Chapter four

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-Erin POV-

"Did you sleep any last night?"

I spread butter lightly over my toast, while May places some eggs onto my plate. I wanted to answer her question truthfully, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell her that I woke up screaming every night for the past week.

"Yup! Finally got use to the time zone." Lie. I haven't slept at all. During the night I would roam around the house, most times I find myself in the movie theater watching movies.

"Oh! Good because I was wondering why I always found popcorn in the movie theater every night." She says walking over to the kitchen.

"Dammit." I mumble under my breath. How could I forget to not clean up the popcorn after, dammit Erin.

She renters into the dinning room and stands behind a chair, not taking a seat. I've noticed that whenever its time to eat, neither Walter nor May sit and eat as well. I think it's completely stupid that they have to wait on me hand and foot. They clean after me, feed me, it's like everything is handed to me on a silver platter, and I don't like it.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, taking a bit of my eggs. She smiles at me, seeing that I'm happy with the way she has cooked the eggs. They were amazing.

"Of course Ms. Scott, anything." She replies cheerfully.

"It's Erin." I inform her for the eighth time this morning. "And why exactly did you wake me up at 6:30 in the morning."

This day was different than any of the other days I've been here. Any other day, May wouldn't make her way into my room, pull open my curtains, and shake me till I was conscious.

"I told you yesterday at lunch, you were going to school today."

I knew I was going to go to school, it's just I didn't realize I would be attending it so soon. I wasn't emotionally prepared to face people. I surely wasn't ready for all the bullshit that comes with it.

After finishing my breakfast I make my way up to my room to get ready. Walking into the closet and having over a million choices of things to wear I found myself unable to decide. I would find one thing then dismiss it going down the rack and pushing that aside as well.

Considering that the temperature was going to be extremely warm, I placed myself in a light blue croptop, blue jean shorts, and black vans. Nothing to out there, but then again something very comfortable and cute. I was pleased with the way I looked, the only thing I hated was my skin. I was pale and very much in need of a tan, good thing I'm in Australia.

Meeting Walter downstairs, he approved if my outfit with a smile. "It's about time I've seen you in something other than pajamas, Ms. Scott" His comment made me laugh, only because it was true. I haven't been out of the house since I got here three days ago. Not my fault I'm lazy.

"Yea, yea, yea."

The car ride to the school was long, but walking would be total hell. I sit nervously in the back seat of the limo, my leg bouncing up and down. I don't know what I was so nervous about exactly, I guess it was just the thought of being the new kid. I hate being the new kid.

I was just about to beg Walter to take me back home and I can start school tomorrow, but I noticed that we were already arriving at the school. My nerves were getting worse and worse as we got closer to the building. We finally stopped in front of the school. I could see the kids that passed by stare, maybe it wasn't everyday they see someone get dropped of at school in a limo. Oh great, now the will think I'm just some snobby little rich kid, which I'm far from.

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