Monster Mishap (part 2)

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A calm day, yeah right. Even though they had a small family, it was never a dull day. Tord brought his family back to the living room, each of them sitting on the couch, while Tord paces back in forth. "Well.. this is quite the predicament" Tom says, scratching his ear. Tord pauses in his place and looks at each of them, his face full of a mix of worry and stress. Noah and Evelyn take notice of this starting to, of course, feel guilty of their actions. Noah glances at Evelyn before blurting out, "It was Evelyn's idea!"

Evelyn gasps and looks at her brother angrily, "it was not!!" She yells back. Evelyn was a loud kid, not that she meant to be loud, however with the monster DNA her loud voice boomed through the living room. This caused the rest of her family to cover their ears in surprise, as she crossed her arms with a pout. "Okay okay! It was my idea!" Noah admitted, not wanting his little sister to continue yelling.

Tord Sighed, breathing in and out to calm himself, before using his strict parent face. "Both of you went down there, it doesn't matter who's idea it was." he lectured. His children looked up at him, then at Tom to see if he would cut them some slack, only to find him crossing his arms and using his own strict parent face. After looking at each other, they sighed and looked back up at Tord, "we're sorry papa..." they say in unison. Tord already was a sucker for Noah and Evelyn's cute faces, but it was impossible to stay mad at them with the adorable monster features. Though he tried to keep a strict face, he sighed and pet each of them. "Okay okay, you two are forgiven.. But don't do it again!"

Now with that out of the way, Tord continued to silently stress out. He wasn't quite sure if it would wear off, or if his family was stuck like this until he could make a reverse serum. Now that idea scared him. They were lucky to be on spring break, not having to worry about sending the kids to school like this, and tom could take a couple of days off sure. However making a reverse serum would mean Tord would have to go back in his lab longer than he would ever want to, and just the thought made him shake.

Sure when he was younger he loved being in his lab, experimenting and making new creations was his passion back in the day. But now? Now all Tord could think about was his mistakes, and all the bad memories tied to that room. Tom noticed a frown grow on his husbands face, and immediately stood up to hug him. He knew it would ease his mind a little bit, and it sure did. Tord smiled slightly and hugged him back, closing his eyes. Noah and Evelyn had gotten up and hugged his legs, making him smile more.

Tom knew Tord was worried about having to go back into the lab, so after pulling away he looks up at him with a gentle smile. "How about we wait out the day? You did say it could wear off?" "Well yes but-" Tord starts but gets interrupted by tom. "We have plenty of time to wait it out, besides, the kids look excited about it?" He finished, petting both Noah and Evelyn, both giggling happily. Tom was worried about the monster DNA, but it didn't seem too dangerous?

Tord took a look at each of them, "I mean, it is your day off?" Tom added, trying to convince him further. Tord sighs and smiles agreeing with him. "Okay, but if it doesn't wear off by tonight I'm getting to work on it first thing in the morning." Tom sighs, "fineee."

A calm day is what they expected, but what had just happened was just the beginning. After all, 2 kids and Tom with monster DNA in them? There was no way they could predict what would happen.

(Thank you for being patient! Sorry this paper took so long, I've been busy with school. I drew monster evelyn not too long ago though so enjoy that as a chapter cover - @rev_gardener)

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