Ohhh Baby

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The first couple of weeks with Noah had been eventful, with Noah being a success and Tord getting used to being around him plus calming down from the whole process. Now though, things were nice. Of course there was the occasional cry at night, and the very big messes Noah managed to make, but over all things were just, calm? Just nice, calm, and happy. However today things were a little different, because today was the day tom went back to work.

After having Noah the bakery had let tom have a good long while off to get used to parenthood and such. It was a very nice business and the owners really cared for their employees. On the other hand, Tord worked from home. Sometimes he had to head into the office but over all he was home most days out of the week. However today was Tom's first day back at the bakery, he wasn't so nervous leaving Tord and Noah by themselves since he, of course, trusted Tord with the baby. 

No, the one who was nervous was Tord himself. He had never been left alone with Noah before, and even though he knew how to do everything he would need to, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, etc. he was still nervous as hell. As tom got ready for his first day back, Tord sort have stayed by his side with Noah in his arms, having a constant look of worry. Tom sighed, and after putting on his coat, walked up to Tord with a smile.

"Look honey, I know your nervous." tom started, sitting on the couch with Tord, taking Noah and holding his for a bit. "I was too when you went to the market for the first time after we had Noah?" It was true, Though tom gave Tord a tough face at the time, he was worried of doing something wrong. 

"Noah doesn't cry much, but he just wouldn't stop when you left. i honestly had no idea what to do, he didn't want his bottle, didn't need a change, refused to nap.. I was afraid he might have been in pain?" Tom continued, cradling Noah in his arms whilst giggling happily.

 "It was silly, but I suddenly saw your hoodie on the couch. Without a second thought I put it on." Tom chuckled thinking back on the situation. 

"It was much too big on me, but it calmed him down,  and for the record.. it calmed me down too." He smiled, looking back at Tord and standing up. "I know your scared, but I also know everything will be alright." he finished. 

Luckily enough, Tord's once worried expression had turned into a soft smile. Relieved he was calm, tom handed Noah back to Tord, giving both a kiss on the cheek. "you've got this, I know you do." Tom re-assured, Tord responding with, "Thank you my love, you really do know how to calm me down." he chuckled.  Tom headed to the front door, Tord following.

"The number to the bakery is on the fridge in case you absolutely need to get to me, and I already started warming up Noah's bottle." Tom opened the door, looking to Tord with a smile, Giving him a quick kiss. "I'll see you after work okay?" Tom said as Tord nodded,  Tom looking down at Noah and blowing a raspberry in his cheek, causing Noah to laugh Happily. "I'll see you after work too baby!" He chuckled, grabbing his bag and heading to the car, waving bye to his family.

Tord had stayed by the door, waving until he couldn't see the car anymore. He sighed and looked down at Noah with a smile. "looks like its just me and you little guy-" he cut himself off, seeing Noah had already started to tear up from the absence of Tom. "oh no no no! don't cry! uhhh...!" Tord began to panic slightly, as he wasn't used to Noah crying often. Thank goodness Tom told him that little story since Tord immediately knew what to do. 

He went upstairs, cradling Noah, unfortunately he knew he couldn't just wear tom's hoodie. Though they were both the same height, tom was much skinnier than Tord, and the hoodie fit tight on tom. Tord thought for a moment, then smiled, putting the hoodie on Noah. It was, of course, much much too big but it calmed him down so it didn't matter.

"There we go, nice and calm." Tord sighed in relief walking back downstairs. "now, lets get you that bottle, i'm sure your hungry!" though he knew Noah wouldn't understand him he had read somewhere that talking to your baby with your regular voice makes them talk faster. While he did so, tom couldn't help but constantly baby talk him.

And Thus, the day went on much more smooth than Tord had thought, he even went on his morning jog with Noah strapped to him. He played with him, gave him a bath, went to the store, and most importantly, enjoyed himself.  Of course he had a lot of cleaning to do since Noah somehow made a mess everywhere he went. But over all he realized he had.. nothing to worry about? The realization had set in when he put Noah down for his nap. He was calm, and aside from the morning, hadn't cried all day? Tord was doing a good job, and even though it took his some time to figure it out, it was nice to finally accept the thought into his head.


It was 7:13 P.M tom finally pulling into the driveway. He was extremely tired, sort of forgetting how long the say would be at work. He was happy to finally be home, though he was worried for tord. 'I hope things went well.. he was really stressed this morning.' Tom thought to himself, before unlocking the front door and walking in. "I'm home!" He called out, having no response. he was confused at first, until he made his way into the living room.

On the couch, Tord had lied down onto the couch, having Noah on his chest, both sleeping peacefully. Just the sight put a smile on Tom's face. before anything, he couldn't help but take a photo of it, it was just too cute! Stuffing his phone in his pocket, he knelled down next to the couch, kissing Tord on the cheek and shaking him softly. "toooord.. wake uuuup?" He whispered, it didn't take long before Tord woke up, rubbing his eyes to open the. "hm..? Tom?" Tord said sleepily, before waking up fully with a smile. "your back!"

"That I am, seems like you didn't have as much trouble today as you thought?" tom teased, eliciting a chuckle from Tord. "I know what you want me to say... and yeah, you were right. It wasn't bad at all." Tord smiled, petting Noah and looking back at tom. "Buuut.. it still would have been better with you here." 

"Well, i'm here now?" Tom chuckled, giving Tord a small, but nice kiss. "so how about we move Noah to his crib, and start on dinner. I need some time with my big bear" He continues, sounding needy. Tord smiled wider, and sat up with Noah, "That sounds nice." 

The rest of the day went accordingly, dinner, clean up, a shower, and eventually bed time. They tended to sleep pretty early. The day was long for both tom and Tord, but it was nice. Not stressful, nothing bad happened, it was just nice. 

[geeeeeze this took a while! This one is my new longest and actually requested by skimson herself. so hey if you guys have any requests for stories let me know in the comments. I would love to hear and possibly write some! thanks for reading! -Rev Gardener]

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