Preschool Days

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Evelyn was more excited than she had ever been in her 4 years of life. It was her first day of preschool and she knew she was ready for it. She woke up her parents early in the morning, jumping on their bed to startle them awake. They both reluctantly sat up, groggy and sleep deprived from trying to get Evelyn to sleep. Tord reached over, putting on his glasses and chuckled softly, "Princess, you were up all night how are you awake now?" Evelyn giggled a response putting her small hand to Tord's mouth. "It's school day!!" She yelled excitedly, not really answering his question.

Tord looked at her for a moment and gave her a soft smile, after moving her hand away. "Alright, then let's get you ready." Tom looked at tord with a raised eyebrow. "Your taking this a lot better than last time?" He said sleepily. Tord picked Evelyn up and began to walk out, "What can I say, we are all growing up a little today" he chuckled once more heading to Evelyn's room as she repeated loudly, "school time, school time!"

Tom had his suspicions of Tord's lack of, well, tears? But he couldn't really say much on the matter since he seemed just fine through out the morning? So he got up as well, to help Noah get ready for his first day of second grade. It was a loud morning, but it was nice as they ate a home cooked breakfast and all gathered into the car. Tord put Evelyn in her car seat as tom did the same to Noah. Before tom could close the door Noah tugged on his sleeve and asked, "why isn't papa crying like he usually does?" This question made tom laugh a little and tord grow slightly pink in the face.

Evelyn felt confused, and once they had started driving, she leaned over to Noah and whispered, "why did you say papa would cry?" Noah looked back at his little sister, whispering as well, "Because he always Cries on the first days of school, at least, he did for me?" Evelyn was surprised, she had seen Tord cry before but he never usually cried in front of him

She brushed away the thought, after all it didn't really matter to her? After all she had more important things to thing about in her 4 year old brain. It was about a 15 minute drive to the school and the all got out of the car. The bell wouldn't ring for a little while so they waited in the parking lot. Evelyn was excited as she could ever be, seeing kids her age walking in with their parents. The thought of making many friends made her ecstatic and bouncy. "Are you excited princess?" Tord asked, kneeling down to his daughter who looked at him with nothing but happiness on her face. "Mayyyybe a little!" She giggled in response.

Tord chuckled and put his hand on her shoulders, looking at her with a smile, "I know your gonna have a great day sweetie. And dont worry, your daddy and I will meet you and noah right here when school ends okay? Make sure you dont leave the campus, or-or get lost-" he was cut off by tom putting his hand on his shoulder, "we already went over safety with her hun." Tord looked up at him and continued, his smile getting weaker, "whatever the case, I just want to let you know you dont have to worry! I-i know you'll miss us alot and it might be hard to let us go for the day but-"

After saying that, Tord's facade began to break, as he frowned and began to tear up in front of evelyn. In unison, tom and noah said "here we go." And just like that tord began to cry, sniffling yet still trying to stay strong, hugging his daughter and saying, "i just want you to have a great first day sweetheart." Evelyn paused but smiled, hugging him back and kissed his cheek. "I will papa!" She giggled and pulled away. It was obvious between the two who would miss one more than the other, sounded like tord was just trying to reassure himself in the speech. The bell then rang and He sighed as tom pulled him up, leaning tords head into his own shoulder petting his hair softly. He waved to evelyn and noah, "your father and I will see you after school, have a good day!" Tom smiled, calm as usual while as tord waved he was basically ugly crying. "B-b.. b-b-b" tom couldnt tell if he was trying to say bye, or babies.

Noah and evelyn waved back as they walked onto campus. "I guess you were right about papa, he's really crying alot?" evelyn said, looking up at noah. He nodded, walking evelyn to the pre-k classes, "you should have seen him on my first  day of school.."

[Yay! A new little chapter! This one was pretty fun to write, and probably the one with the most revisions. Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed the story and leave your suggestions for more stories! -rev gardener]

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