Feathered Friend

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Tom and Tord were too weak against their children, that was just a fact. Because of that weakness, they now had very loud pet. Their children had been begging for a pet for a while now. of course it was hard to say no, but once they had gone on a family outing, they stumbled upon a pet shop. Evelyn was the first to spot it and immediately tugged on Tord's arm, bouncing up and down on her toes and pointing to the store. "papa can we go there pleaaaaase!!" she immediately begged, using her puppy dog eyes to her advantage. She was young, but she knew how to get what she wanted. 

It didn't take long for Noah to join in the begging, tugging on Tord's other arm and pleading with his little sister. Tord looked to tom for help, knowing very well if they went into the pet store, there was no way they weren't coming out without a pet. Tom tried to chime in and help, but once his two children looked up at him with the same eyes they were giving there other father, it was over.  Of course the begging ended with a trip to the store the kids so desperately wanted to go to, and a brand new pet. A bird.

Evelyn and Noah had argued in the car trying to decide a name, Evelyn wanting to name her "Mulan" While Noah wanted to name it "Warrior". Both weren't necessarily bad names, just names they couldn't agree on. Before things became too heated, Tord suggested "Aki", hoping his kids would like the name. Lucky for him, they both adored the name. With a sigh of relief, Tord parked the car and they all gathered inside. 

While the kids and tom played with aki in a separate room, Tord set everything up for the new feathery member of the family. The day was long and stressful, but eventually night fell. Tord put aki in their cage, tucked his two little angels in bed, and made his way to his own room where his husband lay, reading a book with a small bedside lamp. Tord smiled warmly, getting under the blanket and interrupting tom's reading time with a couple soft kisses on the cheek. Tom chuckled, tired and put his book to the side, Turning off the light and Turning over to give Tord a goodnight kiss. After doing so, he hugged him close, sighing as they both drifted off to sleep.

At least they would have, if their new pet hadn't started filling the house with it's very loud and high pitched screams. Tom and Tord's eyes open with a sudden feeling of dread. They both practically had flashbacks to when Evelyn was younger, screaming and crying in the night. Lets just say they had gotten used to the quiet, and weren't really prepared for the loud, agonizing screams of a bird. 

Tord had started to get up from his bed to see if he could some how find a solution online of how to fix this little problem, but he was stopped with the surprise of Noah and Evelyn opening their door. they both look tired, Evelyn rubbing her eyes. almost in unison they said, "I don't want a bird anymore.."

[Hey, thanks for reading! this quite short, but i wanted to make a story about the little bird aki. skimson hasn't drawn aki in a while so did they get rid of the bird after this? or did they learn how to deal with the noise? who knows, i might not make a part two so ha. -rev gardener]

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