Crazy Idea

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Tom's room was filled with laughter, as him and tord were watching the final scene of a comedic movie. The credits began to roll as they calmed down, both hearing a knock on their door. "Boys, please keep it down!" Reminded tom's mother. It was pretty late at night and she had work early in the morning. Tom called back out in a hushed voice, "sorry mom, we'll keep it down..!" They both hear her sigh and walk back to her room. Once they hear her door close down the hallway they look at each other and begin whispering.

"Sorry about that, I didnt know we were being that loud.." tord apologized, tom responding with, "dont worry about it love, let's just try not to do it again..?" He chuckled, kissing Tord's cheek reassuringly then turning off the tv. "We should probably get to bed too, it's really late and-" tom began before looking at tord and noticing his facial expression was... off? "Is there something wrong? You look.. not sad but-" "we should move out together..!" Tord blurted out, being careful to not be too loud. Tom sat up, not expecting him to say that of all things. He was about to speak again before his boyfriend continued. "Think about it? We are plenty old enough, and I have been wanting to move back before graduation!" Tord held Tom's hands while speaking. "I know it sounds crazy and like I havent thought about it at all, but I have! Practically every day when I dont see you.." he leans in closer, a small smile on his face. "We could be together, in our own home! Not having to worry about keeping it down or worrying if someone will hear us because it will only be us! Baking, watching tv together, anything really! It would be just you and me?" He finished. There was a moment of silence between them, tom just looking completely shocked! He wanted to speak but he needed to process the quiet speech. Tord grew worried, was he being crazy? This was really out of the blue, maybe tom wasn't ready yet, maybe he was moving to fast, maybe...

"Let's do it..!" Tom broke the silence, and stopped Tord's mind from racing off. "Really?" Tord asked as tom nodded, a big smile on his face. "We have to plan everything out though, it's not easy finding a place to live, not to mention bills and furniture costs and... my love are you listening-" he was cut off once again as tord tackles him into the bed in a tight embrace. He honestly didn't think tom would say yes, and he definitely wasn't listening to anything tom said after he agreed. Tom sighed, hugging him back  and planting another kiss on his cheek. "You're so silly sometimes, I swear" he chuckled, before grabbing Tord's face as well as his attention. "This is going to take lot of planning, we arent going to jump into this blindly. Promise?" Tom repeated firmly as his smiling boyfriend nodded, a stupidly happy smile on his face. "Promise!"


That night was full of planning, the young couple spending hours doing so, neglecting their sleep. Tord was only visiting since he was still in college and he almost missed his flight back thanks to the conversation. However they never stopped prepping, they texted about it, video chatted possible areas, and discussed financial situations. After weeks and weeks of waiting, Tord flew back home before graduation ready to finally house hunt. He reunited with tom at the airport, dropped his things off at his place. And with that, they headed off to their scheduled appointments.

Tord was practically bouncing in his seat as tom drove to the first appointment. "This is happening!! We are gonna see our first house!" He exclaimed like a kid on Christmas morning. Tom let out a laugh, "calm down love, dont let your excitement blind you okay?" Tord nodded in response and composed himself as they parked. "Right, we have to be professional." He said, breathing in and out, then walking out of the car. With a smile, he looked at the house... then immediately back at tom with a look of concern. Tom stared back with the same expression on his face, as the house looked less than ideal. Dead lawn, cracked windows, and an over all dirty exterior. It wasn't horrible but it also didnt look like the pictures they had seen. Tom formed a crooked smile on his face whilst saying, "hehe.. maybe the inside is better than the outside?"

The inside was in fact, not better than the outside. It was no wonder the house was listed so cheap, they would have to spend a good sum of money on repairs and such. They werent defeated yet though as tom explained they had other appointments to go to! Surely one of the houses would be the house of their dreams?


"7 houses..." Tord groaned, eating a sandwich, bought at a subway near the shopping center. "7 houses and not a single one was good enough!" Tom frowned, eating his own  sandwich. It was near sundown and the two were exhausted from spending all day looking at houses. Tom tried to keep hope up but after the 4th house his hope began to fizzle out. Both were just completely done and were ready to head to Tom's place and pass out. Tom sighed as he finished his sandwich, crumbling the paper and tossing the rubbish into a plastic bag. "Let's just head to the last appointment and get it over with.." he sighed, buckling back up and starting the car up. "I don't want tooooo.." tord groaned, throwing away his trash as well, buckling up. "This will be the last one for today love..." tom stated, beginning to drive to the address. Tord groaned some more but agreed nonetheless, sitting back up in his chair.

It didnt take to long before they got to the home, and parked on the driveway. Tord walked out of the car and stretched, letting out a Long sigh, before feeling a tug on his shirt from tom. Tord looked at him for a moment confused, then noticed his facial expression different.. it was hopeful? He turned around and saw it, the house that is. It was, kind of perfect? 2 stories, freshly cut grass, newly painted fencing, and over all clean! He shook his head, not wanting to get it Hope's up too early as the realtor walked over and greeted them. "You two must be Tord and Thomas! Very nice to meet you." The lady smiled, shaking both of their hands then leading the tired couple to the front door.

"This house is still currently being renovated so I apologize if it's a bit messy here and there, but it will be ready to move into by the time you two are ready. That is if you choose this as you're home." She giggles, as she opens the door for them. The brace themselves, and walk in. "Woah..." tom and tord whisper in unison, the two were stunned. Like the woman said, it was a bit messy as the walls werent completely painted and there were tarps on the ground. But even with that the house was beautiful with high ceilings, hardwood flooring, a clean finish on the island and cabinets, and even more! It was all so much at once and exceeded their expectations, especially with the disaster houses they has seen before. Tom tugged on tords arm, having a big smile on his face. Tord smiles back, holding his hand as they excitedly toured the house. This was the one, they knew it was. It wasnt perfect as there was some plumbing and electrical issues, but it was as perfect as they knew it was going to get, and they were okay with that.


It was a process claiming the home as there were other interested parties. However in the end the house was theirs! Both were more than happy to be homeowners now, but they werent done just yet. After all, they may have a house now, but they still need to furnish it!  Luckily they had saved up whilst making their plans, and had plenty to get the necessities. There was so many times they felt like giving up. And there were many times they thought they were way in over their heads, but after house hunting, graduation, buying furniture, and a week of moving everything in, they were finally done. All of their hard work, all of their waiting, they finally had a real home!

Tom and tord had just finished setting up their dining room, the last part of their move. Both have basically been tired the whole week and after washing up, eating dinner and brushing their teeth, the two retired to bed. Tord placed his glasses on the ground as they didn't have a nightstand yet, then relaxed into bed. Tom on the other side did the same. It was quiet, and the two layed next to each other peacefully, only the sound of breathing being heard. Tord turned his head, only to be met with Tom's jet black eyes. Both smiled, scooching closer as tord wrapped his arms around tom. On the other hand tom leaned his head onto tords chest, liking to feel smaller in cuddling positions. "We really did it huh?" Tord whispered, his fingers combing Tom's soft hair affectionately, eliciting a soft chuckle from him both beginning to doze off. "I guess it wasn't such a crazy idea.."

[Hope you guys liked this chapter, I wrote this in one sitting! Something new is I actually drew the cover art this time! I'll finish it later but for now enjoy the sketch, thank you! -rev gardener]

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