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I want to thank everyone who has read my story so far and also a thanks to NaterciaJanuario your words made my day. Honestly!



"Oh yes right there!"

"Mmh I love you so much Amy."

"You can't be serious right now!" What the hell was I witnessing right now?

Amy shoot a astonished look at me.

James looked up with horror all over his face then immediately dropped Amy from around his waist. Pulling up his pants trying to reason with me.

"Don't you touch me James!"
"Really my bestfriend?"
"Amy your such a fucking slut!" I walked up to Amy and slapped her so hard she hit the floor.
"I hate you both!"

"Baby I'm sorry, I hear James yell out as I was running out the door.

I swiftly searched the club looking for the owner but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Fuck it!" Throwing my hands up.

I decided to rush to the exit before James came to find me. I really didn't want to hear his bullshit of an excuse. I knew I had to pay for a cab because Amy drove us here.

Wiping tears from my face.
"This was a mistake, I should've never came!"

Searching for a cab I begin to hear yelling. Sounds like it's coming from a man. I followed the noise to a dark alley way just a block from the club. Something was telling me to turn around and go home. But the more yelling I heard the curious I got.

When I got to the alley way I notice a huge dumpster so I hid behind it. Raising my head so I could see what was happening. There he was the owner of the club wearing a black leather jacket with a lit cigarette in his mouth. It was two other men with him that I didn't recognize one had a English accent the other had a Russian accent like the owner. I know because they were constantly arguing about who gets to kill the stranger that was up against the wall sobbing. I drew my attention to the stranger and realize that he was my attacker from the club.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

Drawing my attention back to the two men that's was arguing. They begin shoving each other and yelling. The owner of the club threw his cigarette down and crushed it with his shoes.Then pulled the two men apart.

"Eddie! Roman! Cut the shit, I will take care of it and you to jack asses get rid of the body understood?"

Both says
"Yes boss."

The owner step close to my attacker and bend down to his level.

"I told you to stay out of my club, Vincent I guess men like you never learn do they?"

"I'm sorry Zane I wont come back I promise!" He says while sobbing.

"Zane?" I say with curiosity.

Zane slapped him hard.

"Don't you ever speak my name!"
"It's too late for you anyway."

Zane then stands up and stepped back while taking a gun from out of his jacket. Pointing towards Vincent.

I gasped. Putting a hand over my mouth.

"Stand up!" Yelled zane.

So Vincent did.
"Please don't kill me!"

Pow! Pow!

Vincent drops and I screamed.

"What was that?" Eddie says while walking towards me.

I was in shocked I couldn't move a muscle even though my mind was telling me to run.

Eddie came around the dumpster staring directly at me. He grabbed my arm. And with the one touch of contact it took me out of my shock state realizing my situation I screamed again.

"Let go of me now!" Trying to get out of his grasp.

"Look at what I found boss!" He says while laughing.

Zane looked my way and shooked his head. "Didn't I tell you to go home?"

"I'm leaving okay just tell your asshole of a friend here to let me go!"

Zane start laughing.

What's up with these guys laughing so much. Its really starting to piss me off.

"You're coming with me." He says with this evil look on his face.

"No, no!"

"Eddie put her in the car, Roman get rid of the body. We will meet you back at the house.

"уверен, босс" (sure,boss)

Eddie threw me into the back of the car and hopping into the driver seat.

"You won't get away with this!"

Eddie looked at me and grinned.
"Already have sweetheart."

He turned around back to the wheel, I hear the door open across from me and its Zane getting in the back with me.

"Zane, please please let me go I didn't see anything."

He turned his face towards me looking angry because of my request.
"I told you no!" He yelled. "You know too much."

"Are you going to kill me?" I say as a tear fall down.

"I dont know yet."

I have to get out of here. They didn't restrain me so maybe when they're not paying attention I can open the door and runned.

20 minutes later...

Eddie was still driving us into no where and zane was sleeping. Killing must be really exhausting I said to myself. Looking out of the window I noticed we passed a abandon warehouse. Maybe I can hide in there. Slipping my heels off.
I take one more look at Eddie and Zane. It was now or never. I open the door quickly.
Jumping out of the car I rolled on to the street and then the grass hitting my knees.

"Shit. That hurts."

I hear Zane yelling out for me. I knew I had to hurry and get up and run towards the warehouse. So I did I kept running as fast as I could.

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