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Contains strong language, violence and adult activities.


He seemed to notice how fast I was running and decided to run after me.

"Eddie follow me with the car! I heard him yell out.

I could hear how close he was getting. Because of him breathing so loudly. I knew I had to hurry.
He came closer. Turning my head to him just to see how close, made me wish I never looked back at him. The looked he had on his face scared the crap out of me, I'll never forget that look in his eyes, he was furious. Part of me wished that I thought this through because if he caught me it will be all over. He obviously could tell I was intimidated and he said, "Run love, run" and I did. I always thought if i was in a situation like that I would stand up for myself but in reality I was terrified and just ran.

Zane reached out for me his fingers grazing my back. Dodging him he lose his footing and falls.


That gave me an advantage I looked up and I was at the warehouse.

When I got to the abandoned warehouse I had to stop to catch my breath and I thought he had got bored but he hadn't and he was chasing me. So I ran upstairs noticing a lot of old rusted machines and metals. Hiding behind one of the old rusted machines I finally took notice of the warehouse. You could tell that it was an old factory building. The old factory building was like stepping into a whole other world. It was like venturing onto a set of old train tracks and following them as far as they'd take you, ignoring the grass peeking up between the slats and the bits where the metal was rusted and broken. The building seemed to shudder in the wind. There were broken glass everywhere. I had to be careful not to step on one.The glass itself was a grey-brown, inviting the mind to see the settled dust even at a distance.

All of sudden I hear Zane yelling at Eddie to search the warehouse. "Eddie I want you to go right I'm going upstairs to check for her, understood?"

"Yeah boss, I'm going to find her don't worry."

"prosto idi!" (Just go!)

Eddie started calling for me. Which was dumb, I mean why would I show myself just because he was calling my name.

I begin to hear footsteps getting closer, stepping on the broken glass. I was so scared that I begin to shake.

"Please don't find me."

Closing my eyes tight I kept repeating those words in a whisper. It was like the more I said it the closer Zane got. Then it stopped, I opened my eyes I no longer hear Zane. Peeking around the machine there was no one there. Blowing my breath feeling relieved that he didn't find me.

Waiting for a few minutes to make sure they left hearing the car pull off. I got up slowly taking a step from behind the machine forgetting about the glass I stepped on cutting my feet.

"Shit," I say queitly.

Pulling the thick piece of glass out of my foot. Limping down the stairs determined to find someone, anyone to help me I walked out of the abandoned warehouse.

Searching fro a direction to go in someone grab me from behind holding me tight.


"You thought you got rid me?"

From his Russian accent I knew it was Zane. I tried to fight him off but he was to strong.

"No, let go of me!"

"Be still!"

"Help! Somebody help me!" I say while crying.

"You shouldn't have run."

Next thing I know I had a torn ragged over my face. Body going limp against him. I felt myself being picked up, I hear the engine of the car running and darkness took over no longer hearing.

Zane pulled open the back door and gently sat her down on the seat.

Thinking to himself that he hate the fact that she didn't listen to him. He was cold hearted and dangerous man. He never showed mercy to anyone and he knew he couldn't show mercy to her. He was the mafia leader no can see him weak no one.

Feeling my body being yanked and bonded it made me open my eyes.

Opening my eyes just a little feeling foggy. I went to move my arms to rub my eyes but I couldn't move them. My eyes are completely open now. Taking in my surroundings, I immediately notice Eddie. He had extra rope laying on the bed, grabbing it and tying my ankles together

"What are you doing!"

"Be still." "I have to tie you up boss orders."

"Let go of me!"

All of sudden I hear his deep voice.

"I suggest you stop moving, or you are going to have rope burns." Zane says with a evil grin.

"Why are you tying me up?"

He looked at me with fury in his eyes. "Stop asking me dumb questions." "You tanned away from me,this is your punishment."

"I won't leave I promise just untie me."

"This is your punishment I will decide when you can be free. You also wont be able to eat tonight or bathe consider this as a warning not to piss me off."

"You can't be serious zane!"

He was pissed. Seem like every time I said his name he got more angry.

"Deal with it! He yelled."

Slamming the door following behind Eddie.

I knew I was in trouble being here. What freaked me out was I knew it was too little too late.

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