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"You Can Never Leave"


It has been 3 days since I locked her up in that room. No food,and no bathing; but I did have Roman to bring her water every few hours and allowed her to use the restroom when she needed.
I hated that I had to be like this especially to her. I didn't know her but something drew me to her that night at the club. I mean way before that perverted deadman touched her. I noticed her, outside the club looking incredibly sexy and innocent. You could tell that she was nothing like her whore of a friend. I knew she was special the moment I saw her.



My head is pounding like crazy. I smelled horrible and my stomach ached. I don't even know how long I have been here because all I could do was sleep. I was still tied down to this queen size bed and I hated every minute of it. The first night I remembered clearly, I was crying uncontrollably wiggling trying anything to get out of the ropes. I'm not a quitter never was no matter what my situation was but I definitely wouldn't take the bullshit from  anyone. I might be innocent but had a mighty mouth on me. Zane hasn't came to see me at all since my first night here. For some reason I was a little sad about it, I couldn't comprehend why I felt that way. I mean I had a theory, Of  course a strong man like him coming to my rescue like he did that night at the club you wouldn't think he would be capable of this.

Shaking my head, trying to raise up a little I hear the door click.

In walking Zane....

I stopped struggling so I can get a good look at him. I never knew how angry I was until I actually saw his face with that dumb smirk he was giving me.

"What do you want?" I say rolling my eyes.

He shut the door and then locked it.

"Why are you keeping me here?" I screamed. "I told you I wasn't going to say anything."

He chuckled a bit. Which made me even more furious not realizing that he has gotten closer to me.

Almost a inch from where I lay.
Then he finally speaks..

"Shut up and listen!" He yelled.

"First thing first there are rules that you have to follow and if you don't there will be consequences."
Rule number 1
"Don't ask me questions."
Rule number 2
"Dont try to escape."
Rule number 3
"You will get up at 7 o'clock to meet me at the table for breakfast every day and at 8 at night for dinner."
Rule number 4
"You are not allowed to go outside unless I give permission."

Rule number 5
"The most important rule,never and I mean never come out your room when I have company."

"How will I know that you have Company?" I asked him.

"I will tell you the day before."

"Now, do you understand these rules?."

Nodding my head yes.

He was kind of pissing me off talking to me like I'm some adolescent child. But I knew I had to be kind in order to get what I wanted. But I won't take his tone for long.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked quietly.

Zane stared at me for a minute before saying "I'm going to untie you, let you take a shower and when you're done come to the kitchen to eat I made you lunch."

"Okay I say"

He goes to untie me and I winced a little feeling the ropes letting go of my skin. He stop and looked at me what seemed like sadness but he immediately changed his face expression to anger.

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