The mission

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(radio)*Deku please report back to home base after patrolling. We have a mission for you.*  

Deku)*Understood, finishing route now i'll be there soon!*


hmm, I wonder what could my new mission be. Maybe I'm going to go catch some thieves, or save some one from a burning build, or get a lady's cat from a tree. (As Deku realizes that he was so exited for his new mission that he passed home base.)    whoops, I should pay more attention.

 (As Deku walks in he was greeted by his boss, who rushed him into an office to tell him the mission.)

 (The Boss)

 I am sorry for the rush, but there a time limit on this mission. There are hikers that got lost on the Canre Mountain. We have 3 days to retrieve them, because the weather is calling for a blizzard. If we don't make it there on time the lost hikers could be in serious danger.  There is a small cottage about half way down the mountain were the hikers can stay till the blizzard is over.    

(he continues as he hands Deku the train ticket to get to the mountain) 

The train ride is 3 hour or more. If you leave now you will make it there by sunset and will be able to start the search in the early morning. Last thing if you need help use the radio and we will send back up right away.

"Understood," replied Deku. 

(the moment the boss sent him out Deku started for the train station)

            (Time pass)


The train finally stopped it was 6:15 I squeezed through the crowded train. I headed strait for the mountain hoping that I could make  it to the cottage, so that when dawn came I wouldn't waste time. I passed through a small town that was near the mountain. I ask a few people were the exact location of the cottage was. Someone finally pointed me the right direction. 

By the time I had made it to the cottage it was 8:46 and snowing. I was lucky to find the person who ran it waiting for me.  It was a nice lady who told my boss about the lost hikers that did not return. I smiled at her when she asked if I was the hero they sent to help the hikers. She seemed so relived that some one was here. I am kinda cold and damp after walking up the snowy mountain, thank goodness there was fire. I really should have brought more layers. This is what i get for being in a rush and not stopping to buy a jacket.

The warmth of the fire was nice as I started to drift asleep. 

(writers note)

I hope you enjoy the first part of a story that i came up with.  I will try to post as often as I can some days I might post 3 times and others might be a week before I post again so sorry if i have a wakey posting time i will make sure to post more tomorrow tho. please do not judge me if i have bad spelling or grammar. I know that I make lot of mistakes, but i tried my best to fix it all before posting.

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