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Simon is having a lot of fun watching Baz pace around his room muttering to himself. He seems to be going through a list in his head of pros and cons for going to Neverland. Penny, who is sitting next to Simon on the window sill, is not pleased about this situation, but she's given up trying to fight with Simon about it. Simon's got his legs inside now because the whole floating outside the window thing was making Baz extremely nervous. 

"You can't force him to come," Penny says.

Simon sighs. "I know. I won't. I just...I really hope he does." 

Baz looks back at them and stares for a moment before he clears his throat and walks towards them. Simon finds himself sitting up a bit straighter in anticipation. 

"I'll come. Is I need to bring anything? Toothbrush? Change of clothes?"

Simon shrugs. "Whatever you need. Pack light, though. It'll slow you down if you've got big bags."

Baz frowns at him. "Slow me down?"

"Yeah, when you're flying. Too much drag."

Penny hums in agreement. "Simon always complains about the drag when I make him carry books back for me."

"I'm sorry, I'm confused. We...we're flying there?"

Simon looks at him with a knowing grin on his face. "Come on, Baz, you know the story! Second star to the right, straight on 'til morning, yeah?"

Baz's face pales. Simon starts getting nervous that Baz will change his mind. He really, really wants Baz to come with him. He wants to show him all of his favorite spots. He's never been able to show anyone around before. 

"R––right. Okay. Just...I'll get some things together, okay?"

Simon nods and watches as Baz gets a backpack and starts filling it with clothes and other random things. He notices Baz take something off his bedside table, a small boxy thing. Simon is at his side in an instant. 

"What's that?" 

Baz raises an eyebrow and looks down at the object in his hand. "Are you joking?"

Simon shakes his head. He usually is joking, but not now. 

"It's a mobile, Simon. A cell phone?"

Simon sighs and shrugs, uninterested. A part of him wishes that he was more involved in normal life. That he had been around to watch things change slowly instead of being thrown into a whole new world at one time. When had the horses been put inside of the carriages? Why did Baz have a bunch of wire things by his bed coming from the wall? When did the lights become magical? He has so many questions but he isn't sure if he wants the answer to them. He thinks about how long he's been gone, but time passes differently in Neverland somehow. It moves faster because he's always having so much fun, but that isn't how he remembers time moving here in London. It was always so much slower in London. And people age right before your eyes. And new things happen all the time. 

He doesn't want to know how long he's been in Neverland. That's the whole point of Neverland. If you're never going to grow up and have responsibilities, what's the point in keeping track of the day or month or year? It snows sometimes and then it gets hot, but that's about all Simon's had to go off of there. Penny might have an idea of it because she likes to keep track of things like that, but he's never wanted to ask her. He knows when he was born––June of 1885––so what does the rest matter if it's just going to make him sad? 

"I'm ready. How does it work?"

Simon gestures to Penny who flies over Baz and sprinkles some of her fairy dust on him. Her's is purple, like her hair, but Simon has seen other fairies who have dust of all sorts of colors. He likes Penny's best, though. It feels and smells really nice, too. Like a sage-y hug. 

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