The Importance of Being a Hero

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Simon has always thoroughly enjoyed the company of the mermaids. Ever since he first stumbled across them, they've always been very sweet to him. They listen to his stories and make him pretty gifts out of objects from the sea. Penny has never really gotten on with the mermaids (because she finds them stupid) so Simon always goes alone. He isn't really sure how they'll react to Baz since they've never met another human (that Simon knows of, anyway) but he thinks it'll be great fun. Baz is excited, too. On the way over, Baz couldn't stop grinning at Simon like he was having the time of his life.

"Hello, girls!" Simon calls as they approach.

The mermaids stop talking and look up at him with smiles on their faces, tails waving him over. He grins and takes Baz's hand to help guide him to the collection of rocks that the girls like to sit on to sunbathe. Almost immediately, he and Baz are torn away from each other. One group of girls start to shower Simon in kisses and playful tugs on his hair while the other group starts to try and tug Baz into the water.

"Where have you been, Simon? It's been too long," one of them complains. She has blonde hair and a pink tail. Simon has asked them from their names multiple times but they always just laugh at him. He's started to remember them by hair and tail color, now.

"I know, I know. I've had a lot going on. Where's Baz?" He looks around for the dark-haired boy but he can't find him anywhere.

"Baz?" he asks again, glaring at the girls. Sometimes they can get a little carried away with their games, so Simon starts to worry that they've tried to pull Baz into whatever activity they're doing now.

He hears a splash and turns to find Baz in the water, gasping for air as one of the girls dunks him. He's off his feet in instant, leaping through the air to help Baz out of the water. He dives down, shoving the girl out of his way, and gets Baz into his arms before emerging from the water. Baz coughs and sputters as the air hits his lungs and he can breathe again. He clings to Simon, his hands around his neck and his face buried in Simon's chest, as Simon brings them back over to the main rock.

"Girls, that wasn't very nice," he scolds, allowing Baz to keep holding onto him. Simon really doesn't mind it––it feels quite nice, actually.

One of the girls, the ginger one with a purple tail, rolls her eyes and moves some hair over her shoulder. "We were only trying to swim with him."

Simon knows that's a lie but he doesn't say anything to her. "You okay there, Baz?" he asks the boy in his arms.

Baz nods and pushes himself out of Simon's arms. "Fine. Just...why don't they like me?"

Simon shrugs and sits down on the top of the rock. Baz follows suit.

"This is Baz," he says, gesturing to Baz on his right. "Baz, these are the girls."

He waves an unenthused wave at the girls who blink back at him, clearly not happy that Simon brought him here.

"Simon, did you miss us?"

The mermaids are on him again, peppering his face with little kisses. He looks over at Baz who has turned away from them, certainly not enjoying the attention they're giving Simon. Simon feels his heart grow heavy in his chest at the thought of Baz not having a good time. That simply won't do. Not in Neverland.

Simon nudges Baz's shoulder with his own and shoots him a nervous smile but Baz just rolls his eyes.

"Hey, you okay?"

Baz sighs. "They were trying to drown me, Simon. If you think––"

Suddenly, a shadow draws over the lagoon, turning everything dark. Simon puts his hand over Baz's mouth, trying to silence him so he can figure out what's going on. Simon pulls it away after a moment and raises a finger to his lips, telling Baz to be quiet. Baz nods in understanding as Simon flies over towards a moss-covered rock that juts out of the water, using a hole in the rock to see what's going on. Through the hole he sees the Humdrum and his right hand man on a small boat with girl. He strains his eyes to see that the girl is tied up and that she is Princess Philippa from one of the native tribes up north.

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