*The ungodly turnover*

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The ungodly turnover

A thousand words couldn't bring you back,
I know this because I tried
Neither could a thousand tears,
I know this because I cried.
You left behind a broken heart and happy memories too....
But I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

Alexandra's p.o.v


AT 3AM ON THE DOT, I jolted out from the hard floor of my room, I didn't have an alarm. No, they said I didn't deserve such luxury.

I looked around the tiny little pack store I had as my room, I only managed to squeeze  myself into the store each night. I had nothing but a small box at the right corner of the store where I had all the dirty clothes I had over grown. I didn't have a bathroom so I wasn't allowed to bath.
The only thing I was allowed to do is to work.

I got up and threaded to the kitchen to clean before the cooks came in.
They never allowed me near their food. They said I would infect them with my stupidity, that's why I got up very early in the morning to the pack house before anyone was up.

  I started cleaning up when my thoughts took the best of me..

You know,
It wasn't always like this, I mean I was once a normal werewolf, heck! Other kids were jealous of me because of the kind of love I was showered by both my parents and pack members.
My dad was the alpha and my mom the Luna of this very pack, then 'The blood moon pack'. I was very happy and everything was perfect.

Until that summer...

  Flash back:

Me being the stubborn, spoilt brat I was, I insisted that it wanted to go out on a trip to Disney world.

I heard stories about it but I couldn't go out of my pack. So on the summer vacations I somehow managed to convince my mom to take me there but my dad insisted he wasn't letting her out of the pack alone so he came along with us

Six year old me was super excited when my dad agreed to come along leaving uncle Bryce who was the beta and uncle gamma  in charge till he was back.

Somehow the beta female aunt Sophie came along with us saying she was bored at the pack, with a three month pregnancy mom allowed her to come along

I still remember my mom's warm arms around me as I fell asleep, those arms I yearn for every day.

I was fast asleep when I heard howls. Then I smelt them, it almost made me puke.
Fluttering my eyes open I felt my mom tense around me. We were having a rouge attack, my dad being the alpha fought them,but they kept coming and coming.

I was scared to the core and Devastated when I saw my dad being murdered in front of me. We only wanted a quiet time so he wasn't with any guards. When my dad was killed my mom broke.

The beta female who was three months pregnant tried defending my mom because she was only a Human, so she fought, and was killed by the rouges who man Handled her. I watched in Fear as they approached our car.

My mom started whispering strange words, I looked up at her and saw her blue orbs where no where to be found.
She looked at me with tears telling me to duck down and hide telling me she and dad loved me.
And that the rouges wouldn't be able to see me.

With my already puffy eyes I bent down and his, my mom got out of the car whispering something close to "those mother fuckers killed my husband, I'm not going to let them close to my child.

I did what she told me and ducked, I heard  screams but they weren't my mom's, I peeked through the window and saw the rougues in a circle burning and my mom in the middle of it.
I was surprised, and also glad because they deserved every bit of it. They never stopped coming out, my mom kept burning them all until one came from her behind and dug his claws into her neck dragging out both blood and flesh in the process. I gasped loudly and the rouge That killed my mom turned towards the car.

I stifled a sob and held my mouth. He came inside, sniffed the air and only then did I know that he couldn't see or smell me, but I never understood why.

    After some few hours of me crying besides my dead parents and the female beta, I heard howls and knew my pack was here. I looked up and broke down again seeing the bodies of the people I loved.

Once the pack arrived, uncle Bryce (the beta) rushed out to his mate, cradling her and crying praying to the moon goddess to bring her back.
I felt sorry for him after all, she died saving me.I went to uncle Bryce hoping I could somehow comfort him. I was roughly pushed away the very moment my Palm touched his shoulder.

Uncle Bryce turned around slowly taking steps towards me with black pupils replacing his once blue ones. I knew his wolf was on the edge, retreating slowly I hiccuped continuously.
I looked back only to my pack all in bowed heads paying their last respects to the Alpha and Luna of the blood moon pack.

  No one stepped up to protect me because no one could.
Since my father and mother had passed the beta was the next Alpha and no one dared challenge an Alpha.
" You, you were the cause of this. You are the reason Sophie is dead, you are the reason they are all dead. Your a murderer Alexandra, you killed them all!"
He yelled and I physically flinched at the tone my uncle used on me. He was my favourite uncle and we were best buddies, this was the first time he yelled at me so I wasn't used to this part of him.
" U_Uncle, w_what are you saying?. I didn't kill dad, mom,and aunt Sophie. The rogues did uncle, they murdered dad, mom, and aunt Sophie. I swear I didn't kill them. I_I would never kill them, they were family and you don't hurt your family remember? " six year old me told my uncle partly wishing he would just smile and say he's sorry, carry me and let me cry on his arms. Tuck me into bed and make me a hot cup of chocolate in the morning. But reading the not so pleased expression on my uncle's face I knew I was far from having a hot cup of chocolate.

I looked into his once blue eyes and saw it darken more, that's when the first slap landed on my face. I remembered standing there shocked to death as to how my once loving uncle whose smile told me that each day was promising turned into the beast in front of me. It was later growing up that I realized that losing one's mate often made them crazy and that was the exact term I used in regards to my uncle.
I didn't understand how it was my fault though. When we came back to the pack. they were mourning both my parents, and the beta female.

  Immediately I stepped into the house instead of receiving a warm welcome like I had expected,
I received glares from the pack members who once looked at me  with adoration and love.

My dad's beta came forward and gave me two memorable slaps.
I was so shocked as to why my uncle would do such a thing.

I looked up into his eyes I saw that his once blue eyes where now midnight black. I knew it was his wolf surfacing.

Word count:  1,272

Edited 03\08\21

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