*The ball * ( John's pov )

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The ball (John's POV)

Not edited.

March 2023,

I was pissed, like really, really pissed. I dropped the call with the Queen mother, my mom, when we arrived at the ball held by the dark blood pack in commemoration to my arrival.
After a few seconds of my pack getting out and going to their assigned positions, I waited. I waited for my beta to get my door, I was royalty and I didn't expect to be treated as anything less.
After what seemed like a millennium my beta finally reached for my door, stepping aside and ushering me out.
    I got out standing tall and letting out a little bit of my aura so every wolf knew that their king was present.
I stretched my long legs taking the steps two at a time. It was only at my second stride that a light breeze blew surrounding me with pure bliss.
I perceived the sweetest scent I've ever perceived in all my five hundred years, it was a heavenly scent and it was out of this world.
  It smelt of coffee, roasted mushroom and hot chocolate. I would gladly drown in the scent if ever the need arises, I needed no soothe sayer to tell me that the scent belonged to my mate, the reason I came here all along.

  My howled in happiness as I looked around, but I couldn't find the source of the scent. I looked up and saw a figure ducking down which I assumed was my mate.
It took everything in me not to run over to her and claim her as mine but I kept my cool and mind linked my best trackers to block every exit and to track my mate.

  I looked forward to the alpha who looked confused probably wondering why my warriors were surrounding the building. I kept a straight face and walked towards the alpha, beside him stood two women, the older one I knew was he's Luna and I just placed the younger as his daughter.

I stood at the entrance as he extended his hand which I shook, he introduced the older woman as his Luna and the younger one as his niece. I just acknowledged both of them with a nod while the younger woman who I don't remember her name tried flirting with me but one growl that emanated from my chest shut her up and she looked down.

  When I proceeded going into the ball room, I took a whiff of the niece's scent and got my mate's scent out of the mixture of her suffocating perfume but it was faint meaning she was with her recently. That made me stop and I gave her a tight lipped smile and she lost balance as a gasp fell from her mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I had no interest whatsoever in that niece I still can't remember her name but seeing she was with my mate as of recent gave me the impression that she was close with my mate so I gave her the nicest smile I could afford so she would put across a few words in my favour to my mate, I just hoped she didn't misunderstand that action.

Walking straight into the ball as all wolves froze for some seconds sensing my aura. Everyone bared their neck, I paused looking at the dark blood pack which has approximately three hundred wolves, all of them assembled to celebrate my arrival.
Giving them only a curt nod I walked directly to the place I assumed was the royal lounge 'cause my warriors scent came stronger from that direction.
On my way to the lounge I asked my trackers if they had found my mate through my mind link but they gave me negatives saying her scent just disappeared. I was going angry and my wolf was itching to come out and look for her instead, with much effort I withdrew him.
I tried thinking of of possible reasons why my mate would run from me. Could it be 'cause of the rumors? No, I concluded knowing that even pups knew mates were meant to love and protect not the other way around.
I was brought out of my thoughts by someone rather unpleasant. The alpha of dark blood moon pack, he started blabbing much to my dismay.
I tried keeping my cool, really. The only reason I hadn't shoved his mouth up his ass was that I had smelt my mate in his pack, for that I guess he deserved some respect.
But I have to say, this one was a real chatter box and I honestly couldn't wait for his power to die which it unfortunately didn't. I was so irritated that I had the urge to run my hand through my hair which wasn't a habit. I found myself wondering how he managed to breath in between his blabbing

"Your majesty, you should see my warriors and defense system, they are almost perfect. My warriors train six hours a day and I also change the boarder patrol once in two weeks in case of rouge attacks."
He kept on talking and following me like a lost puppy. Normally this was a common thing among alphas I come across but they took a hint when they saw the look of irritation my expression bore but this one kept on going and going until my tolerance was over. I swiftly turned around letting a deadly growl.
The way the alpha trembled made me know that my eye color changed and he knew better than to utter another word when my wolf was on the edge.
I normally had perfect control of my wolf but ever since I stepped into this friggin' ball I was on the edge.

"Look pup" I said popping the 'p' "My warriors train thirteen hours a day and I change my boarder patrol every fucking day so if you really want to get on my good book, keep your mouth shut will ya? stop whining like a bitch". I said giving him one more glare before walking off towards my initial destination leaving him frozen in his spot, eyes as wide as saucers.
He was probably surprised due to the fact that that was the longest sentence anyone had ever had me speak that's why they called me the stone king, not in my front of course, but that didn't mean couldn't hear them.
Even speeches were given to my beta to address, my pack only heard me speak through the pack link not verbally.       

Still heading to the royal lounge I asked for an update and it still came negative. Finally stepping to a room that read 'Royal lounge'
I saw my males were already served by a female who had her back to me.
From my current view I could see her accentuated figure. From her tiny waist to her round butt, and don't even let me get to the red dress that fitted her like a glove.
And the thoughts of the different things I wanted to do to her right here didn't help matters at all... wait what the hell am I doing? I shook my head to get the imagines out of my mind, I couldn't believe I was fancying another woman when I came here for my mate. I silently prayed to the moon goddess for forgiveness, but the thoughts still didn't give way as they flooded my mind once more.
Who was this woman and why did that alpha appoint her here?
Well whatever he wanted to achieve with this damsel was working 'cause I was seriously worked up. I couldn't wait to see her face, but I was worried about losing my control and pinning her to the wall not minding my warriors were here and ravish her--- I was caught out of my thoughts when some idiot growled.
I wanted to slice him into pieces for interrupting my very necessary thoughts.
When I looked at the direction where the sound came from and I was genuinely confused as to who the 'pup' was growling at but I felt movement and saw miss gorgeous turn around trembling. I tried peeking at her face but it was nearly impossible as her butt length hair covered her face like a curtain.

So, wat y'all think?

Do I suck at writing a guy's pov?

Edited: 2-6-2020

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