*Meeting king Wilsonville*

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Meeting King Wilsonville

I stood there entranced at the way every royal wolf did everything in order. I saw a man with blonde hair come out of the car, he appeared to be about six feet tall judging from the height I was currently situated in, he had a powerful aura that drew my attention towards him but still I knew he wasn't the alpha king, the royal beta maybe. I watched as he strolled towards one of the suvs that was directly at the entrance,
He stopped at the right hand side and opened the door bowing slightly and that's when I saw him even from above here I could tell he was more than six feet tall and the well expensive tailored suite didn't do justice covering his well built frame, his aura was powerful enough to get even the strongest of wolves down their feet.
Immediately I knew he was the alpha king
He stepped out and headed straight to the entrance of the ball where my alpha, the Luna and bianca stood with  fake smiles  and bianca put on a flirtous look that made me want to gag.

At his second stride he stopped abruptly, looked around as if looking for something. He raised his nose up elegantly, sniffed the air and mind linked someone. I knew this 'cause he had that far away look werewolves had whenever they mind linked. Immediately he came out of his trance royal wolves started flooding and surrounding the building. He looked back to the entrance and resumed his journey towards my alpha.
I watched as my alpha introduced both bianca and the Luna to the alpha king who didn't seem interested.

I looked mesmerized by the alpha king studying the features I could from up here. He was easily the most handsome male I had seen, not that I had seen many anyways.
I stood taking in a deep breath as a waves of fresh air hit me carrying the most delicious scent I had ever smelt.
Alana and eve immediately stopped their bickering and said a word that I never thought I'd hear this soon. A word that sent different waves of emotions through me, but fear most prominent.


I looked down eager to know where the scent came from, I saw the alpha king looking tensed.   I don't know how but I knew then that he was mine.      

Taking a deep breath I turned to leave the basement.  I had to run, descending the stairs I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that the alpha king was my mate.     

Xandra, why are you running? Aren't you supposed to be hugging him right now?

Eve asked as I turned into a hall way I remember coming from.

Alana kept quiet but I heard her whimpering at the back of my head. She wanted to be with her mate and I knew my actions were hurting them right now but I knew that me rejecting him or vice versa would hurt her more, so for now I had to stay away from him if possible leave the ball right now.

  I made my way straight to the entrance of the ball fully intent on going back to the pack house as I was never supposed to be here at first place. I stopped on my tracks upon seeing the alpha king at the entrance of the ball. I realized I couldn't sneak out from the entrance because of the tight security and king Wilsonville was most likely going to be able to catch my scent and reject me on sight.
By the way alpha Bryce wouldn't be pleased knowing that I attended the ball but knowing that the alpha king was my mate would infuriate him.

I quickly headed to the kitchen where the back entrance was located but cursed inwardly when I saw a royal guard posted at the entrance and trust me he wasn't smiling.

Just as I as I was about thinking of the perfect distraction I heard my name. Turning around I saw the chief chef walking up to me looking pissed.

"Where the fuck have you been bitch?" He scolded making me flinch.

"I-I-I I've been around?" I stuttered not knowing what excuse to give and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him I was about to escape.

"Well?-- what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be serving the royals now or are too dumb to notice that they have already arrived?" He asked turning red.

I slowly muttered an apology heading quickly to a table where glasses of white wine were placed on trays.
I picked up a tray and strolled into the lounge kept for the royals.

    Passing the fuming chief chef with my head down I walked through a hall way leading to the ball room. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was terrified of what I was about to walk into. I silently prayed to the moon goddess for help or something to get me out of my current mess.

You do know you can mask your scent if you want to right?
Alana asked me with her tail tucked between her legs, Making me halt.

She can do what now? Eve asked clearly as confused as I was.

I said.... she could mask her scent if she wanted to. Since when did you become dumb? Alana snapped at eve clearly in a bad mood. The whole mate scenario affected her more since she is the wolf here.

"Alana, I don't think I've seen a wolf who has the ability to mask their scent. Even dad couldn't do it. Eve, can't you do a spell to mask my scent?" I asked while slowing my pace to the ball room.


Even though she could she can't in here, the royal wolves would be able to sense a witch once she uses her powers when he or she is Atleast one hundred meters away. And by the way you are an Ace wolf so masking your scent is an easy task just needs mastering. Now if they are no more questions can you walk a little faster? The royals are waiting for their refreshments. Alana blabbed taking a deep breath at the end.

It took some seconds for us to register what she said but when we did, I did as I was told and picked up pace as eve smirked at Alana who lay on her stomach with her tail on her eyes.

Oh, you mean the alpha king is waiting for refreshments.... Eve teased her.

Shut up eve he's my mate as much as he is yours, don't pretend you're not dying to meet him just as I am  Alana stated rolling her eyes at Eve. I smiled knowing that they were back to their bickering selves.

Well it wouldn't be the first time we were supposed to share something would it---?
Eve asked with sadness laced into her voice. The statement made me curious as Alana seemed to be equally affected by it but I decided not to push it as I had much more important questions to ask.

"Uhh- Alana? How am I supposed to mask my scent, let's not get to the Ace part until later--- so?" I asked making Alana stand-up from the curled ball she wrapped her self in.

Hmmmm, take a deep breath and single out the scent of every single werewolf that passed this hall way in the last three hours. Until you smell yours, single it out and just imagine it vanish. Then it is done.

I nodded taking in every single information she was feeding me. I took a deep breath and concentrated on the scents before me as I closed my eyes savoring different scents at once. Vanilla, tulips, lilies, roses, but I continued searching till I found mine. I was scented with strawberry and what seemed to like fresh after rainfall forest air. So picked it out and imagined it vanish and it did.

Releasing my breath I continued my walk to the ball room with a new found level of confidence. I just hoped that everything would go smoothly and I would be able to avoid the alpha king as planned.

    Taking a deep breath of assurance I stepped into a lounge full of royal wolves.


And it's done.

I'm really bubbling with happiness right now at the kind of support I've recently received from you guys and I'd specially like to thank everyone who added my story on their reading lists, voted, followed, and commented. I appreciate,  really means a lot to me.
Thank you once again

      I'll try updating as soon as I can.
Buckle up, it's gonna be a loooong ride.

Edited: 2-06-2020

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