*the truth*

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The truth

Running down the stairs, I couldn't help but smile at the bickering of both eve and Alana in my head. I felt strangely more confident maybe 'cause I knew I was no longer alone.

Running through the stairs, I decided to start up a conversation desperate for something to take my mind off from how far off behind schedule I was and the work load I was currently up for.

'so.., since I'm a hybrid and all, Is that supposed to mean that dad.. cheated on mom? And I was a produce of this infidelity?'

My heart clenched at the thought of my dad and clenched even tighter at the thought of mom having to live with the evidence that her mate cheated on her with a witch. Even though, she loved me nonetheless.

No dear, don't think that way about yourself and your parents, its disrespectful even to the living.

'but its the truth eve, am an abomination.'

No your not babe, and its not the truth.
'Then what is? What is, the truth.'
I felt Alana and eve looking at each other at the back of my mind. The kind of look that said they knew something I didn't.

I think its time Alana.

Yea me too, but first we would tell you after the royal ball tonight.

Oh, I forgot about the ball, but why should it be after the ball?

Well, you'd have to give all your attention to what we are about to say so we dont want to distract you from your current chores.
Eve stated while I nodded in understanding, I didnt want to get into more trouble now as I feel brand new.

'Ok...' I muttered giving more concentration to my chores. I was brought out of my little world when another omega came to tell me that it was time for breakfast more like lunch to me 'cause it was noon.

I hurried down to the dinning meant for omegas leaving the garden I was currently trimming before the little food provided to the omegas would finish.
On getting there I was rather surprised that the queue wasn't long at all so I stood behind the last omega and soon it was my turn. Maria surprisingly smiled at me giving me that look that says she knows something I dont, I politely smiled back after which I looked around the dining hall noting it was scanty

"The rest are at the pack hall preparing for the ball" Maria said as if reading my mind.
"Ok, thanks." I muttered taking my sandwiches to a near table. Looking down at my plate I devoured it surprising myself, I didn't know I was that hungry.

After lunch I took my plate directly to the sink and started washing my plate and other ones that accompanied it. While I washed, other omegas dropped theirs in the sink too until I washed it all.
I gently placed the ceramics where they were meant to be and turned to leave when I bumped into Maria. I gasped stuttering a sorry I turned to leave the other way when she stopped me.

"Xandra, during the evening report to me, I have some errands I want you to run for me"


"Yes you."
"O-okay ma, ill be at your chamber by dawn." I said scurrying away but not before bowing slightly.

I went back to the garden and the rest of the day went by like a blur.

Soon I found myself walking fast with my head down towards lady Maria's chamber. The evening came faster than i expected so I was currently late. On reaching her chamber I put a small knock on her down which opened immediately showing a not so pleased lady Maria.

"I-i am sorry ma, it slightly s-slipped my mind." Maria looked like she was contemplating on something before letting out a deep breath and nodding slightly granting me passage into her chamber.
I tried not to stare but her chamber was beautiful, simply decorated with a king sized bed lying in the center of the room. It was hundred times better than mine considering she was considered a high ranking wolf in this pack and her opinions and plight and taken seriously by the alpha.

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