*Author's Note*

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Alpha: the head of a werewolf pack.
Eyes: pitch black when wolf is surfacing.

Alpha king: the king and ruler of all werewolf pack in the world.
Eyes: golden when wolf is surfacing.

Luna: the female head of a werewolf pack and mate to the alpha, they are regarded as equals.
Eyes: pitch black when wolf is surfacing.

Queen Luna: the queen of all werewolves in the world.
Eyes: grey when wolf is surfacing. Mated to the alpha king.

Beta: second in command in a werewolf pack, takes over on the absence of the alpha.
Eyes: black when wolf is surfacing.

Beta female: the mate of the beta and second in command after the Luna.
Eyes: black when wolf is surfacing.

Gamma: third in command in a werewolf pack and handles mostly training the pack warriors.
Eyes: black when wolf is surfacing.

Gamma female: the mate of the gamma and third in command to the Luna.
Eyes: black when wolf is surfacing.

Pack house: the main and biggest house in a werewolf pack where the alpha and other high ranking officials live.

The werewolf castle: a castle that both the alpha king and Luna Queen live with other high ranking officials.

Omegas: the lowest rank in a pack, normally considered as slaves or maids in the pack house. In other words, weak wolves.

Pack warriors: warriors that protect a particular pack. They train everyday and are trained by the gamma, beta, or sometimes the alpha.

Rogues: exiled wolves, they belonged to a pack but crazy and crazy and cruel. So they are killed by packs once they trespass on their boarder. They kill werewolves and they have a disgusting scents.

Royal beta: second in command to the king alpha.
Eyes: midnight black when wolf is surfacing.

Royal beta female; second in command to the Luna Queen and mated to the royal beta.

Royal gamma; third in command to the alpha king and is mated to the royal gamma female.

Mates: two people the moon goddess ties together with the intention of mating and bearing more pups. Its almost what we call soul mates. When they are around, their scent alone gives them a warm feeling. And when they touch, even the slightest sparks and tingles erupts their skin. They can sense them by just looking into their eyes.

Pack boarder: it is the line showing the extension of lands and territories of a pack, trespassing into a pack means death


High priestess: the most powerful witch in the world. She rules all the eight covens of witches.
Shes rumored to be from the lineage of eve herself, the source of all magic.

The elders: the nine leaders of each of the covens in the kingdom of aminbu, the land of magic.
They all answer to the high priestess and would gladly give their lives for her.

Aminbu land: it is a hidden kingdom of the witches where nothing is impossible. Its an enchanted land that doesn't let anyone with bad intentions in. All the nine covens reside in this kingdom and the coven of the high priestess is in the middle of the kingdom. It cant be found by any other supernatural beings unless your invited by the high priestess herself.

Covens: a group of witches with the same power, they come from the same lineage.
Only the high priestess comes from the lineage of eve.
Other covens are her apprentice.

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