*fragile bones*

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       *Fragile bones*

I walked out of the building and into the party and sighted the head manager assigned to this branch.
I walked up to him hastily. On sighting me he excused himself from the conversation and walked up to me, meeting me halfway.     

"Good day ma'am, am sorry I didn't meet you on your arrival, I hadn't arrived yet." He said making me look at him like he grew two heads.

I stepped threateningly closer to him not bothering to hide my scowl, I was pissed off. "Let me get this straight. Your apologizing for tardiness to the opening ceremony of the branch I put you in charge of?" I scoffed while Alana growled. This man is unbelievable!. "Prepare the ribbon, I have a schedule to run through" he nodded frantically and turned around immediately not ready to stay in my presence any longer.

But I didn't give him the satisfaction of course,

"Ah... Mr. Samson?" He turned shaking from my show of dominance.

"Your walking on thin ice." I warned showing off a wicked grin.

" I-I am extremely sorry once again ma'am" he stuttered giving me a polite smile then scurrying off.

I turned around in search of a waiter but my search was interrupted by no other than...

Lady Chamberlain ...

She was a beautiful ginger head with the body of a model, just the fact that Alana knew who she was was enough to get her clawing at me for control. And trust me, it wasn't good news. The bitch picked the worst moment to approach me.

Putting on an expressionless face I raised eyebrow at her for standing in my way. She seemed to have gotten the message as she started speaking.

"Uhm... Miss Woods?" She put it with a question mark, the disrespect could be seen clearly.

I decided to let slide as the last thing I wanted was to get angry and let Alana have her way.

Trust me, it's gonna be a gruesome sight.

"Mhmm.." I affirmed, looking past her I saw what I was looking for. Signaling the waiter to come close I took a glass, taking a sip I turned back to her, a little more calm now. "And you are?" I asked with an eyebrow raised again pretending I didn't have someone do a search on her.

Come onn... don't murder me here

Y'all would have done the same if she was in the arms of your mate.

Plus Alana totally insisted not me!

She huffed unappreciated but still managed to put an annoying smile. I swear she's taunting Alana, but what she did made me almost lose it.

She raised her finger up..

Like she fucking raised them fingers up showing off a beautiful ring with a huge diamond on it.

I chuckled,

In my mind of course,

If only she knew how much Alana wanted to cut those fingers off.

Okay, okay... maybe I too included

But hey! That doesn't matter.

I mean just look at her standing there show casing the ring that should have been mine!

Scratch that,

In fact forget I even said that.

I mean looking closely at it I can tell it can never be mine.

I mean who even bought this ring? It looks like the person bought a ring matching her exact personality,

Gold digger.

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