Jessie - I (huff huff) did it!
Jessie fainted!
Travis - Did what? Oh! She managed to faint Jan!
Travis goes over and revives them both.
Jan - Nice job, Jessie! It only took you 420 faints and 576 berries, but you managed to complete your challenge!
Jessie - How's London doing on his challenge?
Travis - Better that earlier... His longest run was four minutes, 53 seconds...
Meanwhile, Abuja is being as gentle as he can be whilst still battling legitimately.
Abuja used Gentle Poke!
London fainted!Abuja gives London a Revive.
Abuja - Maybe we should do this another time...
London - N-no! I have to f-finish today!
Jan - I think that's the brain damage talking...
Travis - Hey, does anyone know where Ottawa is?
Diancie - She found a cold spot and has been there since yesterday.
Travis - Okay, thanks.
Travis goes over to the cold are and finds Ottawa reading a cookbook.
Ottawa - They don't have any literature besides this. There's a good recipe here for rock candy, though! Maybe Warsaw would want to see it.
Travis - You got mail!
Ottawa - Another dare, I presume. Is it that Force Gaming guy again?
Travis - No, this one is from someone named "Codbuck."
Ottawa - Okay... What does he want?
Travis - He says, "I dare Ottawa to dump Lucky Charms on Tokyo's head."
Ottawa - "Lucky Charms?" What are those?
Travis - Its a type of cereal.
Ottawa - What's "cereal?" Like, in a series?
Travis - No, that's "serial." Cereal is breakfast food made from wheat, corn, or other plant material.
Ottawa - You mean people eat things for breakfast besides mangled animals and children who never got the chance to live?
Travis - What do you eat for breakfast?!
Ottawa - Sausage and eggs.
Travis - ...Oh, that makes sense. In that case, the answer is yes.
Ottawa - So, are Lucky Charms really gross, or something?
Travis - No, they're just dry pellets of wheat with marshmallow mixed in.
Ottawa - That doesn't sound too bad. This is a dare; he should have to suffer through it!
Travis - The dare said nothing about how to dump it, just don't hurt him please...
Ottawa - Ah yes, I love ambiguity!
Ottawa goes and finds the box of Lucky Charms in the dry goods cupboard.
Ottawa - Ah yes, this is it... The one with the tiny human...
Ottawa proceeds to eat all of the cereal in the freshly opened box.
Ottawa - Uf, that was too many... Which means that its perfect!
Ottawa goes over to where Geneva and Zurich are playing a sort of four-legged Hopscotch.
[CLOSED] Ask and Dare Eeveelutions
Humor[Don't worry, this book may be closed, but I have a new one (#5) which is not!] Using characters from my pokédex, you may ask of them questions or propose dares for them to undertake. The intended audience is 13 or older, but some chapters I must as...