Sick Together

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(A/n: short chapter)

Heechul smiled.

There was his friends.

And they look as awful as he felt.

"You're friends are here" Leeteuk said.

Their Daddys laid them in the bed with Heechul and tucked them in.

"We will be in the livingroom" Jaeduck said.

The Littles snuggled into eachother and the Caregivers left.

"Hi" Heechul whispers.

"Hi" the others answer.

Jimin lets out a small sound.

The Littles complains to eachother over their flu.

Out in the livingroom the adults is drinking their morning coffee and talking about their Littles.

"So, what kind of formula do you feed Jimin?" Sunghoon asked.

"We dont give him formula, he throws up" Taehyung said.

The others looks confused.

"He is being breastfed" Jin explains.

"By all of you?" Donghae asked.

"Yes, Yoongi and Namjoon was kind of reluctant to do it at first, but now we all do it" Jin said.

The others look at eachother.

"Yeah we know, its weird" Jungkook said.

"Not at all! I do it with Jinnie" Sunghoon said.

"And I with Jiji" Youngbae said next.

"I do it with Joongie" Yunho answers.

"And we all do it with Chullie, Kangin, Shindong and Siwon dont do it as often tho" Leeteuk.

"So, you all do it with your Littles?" Hoseok asks.

"Yes, except for the milk, more like a comfort" Youngbae said.

The others agree.

"Do your Littles also only call you Daddy or do you all have differnt names?" Yunho asked.

"Heechul only calls us Daddy, but we are so many people so its a bit hard for him to call us something else" Yesung said.

"For Jinnie, Sunghoon-ah is Dada, Jiwonie Hyung is Daddy and I'm Baba" Jaeduck said.

"We figured out that Jin Hyung is Dada, I'm Baba, Namjoon-ah is Appa, Hoseok-ah is Daddy, Tae is Tata and Kookie is Papa" Yoongi said.

"Jiji also calls me Daddy but in a younger mindset he calls me Dada" Youngbae said.

"Younger mindset?" Donghae asks.

"Yes, sometimes it happens that your Little is younger than their usal headspace, and even tho Jimin is so Little itcan even happen to him" Youngbae said.

"Alright Youngbae! Spill! Tell us everything you know!" Jiwon said.

"Oh boy" Youngbae laughs.

But of course, he tells them everything he knows.

"Baba! Help" a voice calls.

"Jinnie?" Jaeduck asks with worry.

They all walk into the bedroom.

They dont need to ask whats wrong because they are greeted by Jimin, who is throwing up all over himself.

"Oh Baby Bug" Hoseok coes as he picks a crying Jimin up into his arms.

"Second door to the right" is all Eunhyuk said.

"Thank you" Hoseok answers as he quickly leaves with Jimin.

"Nothings on the bed, seems like Chimmie got it on himself instead" Namjoon informs the others.

"Good, sorry about that" Yoongi said.

"Nothing to be sorry about, he is sick and a Baby" Ryeowook said.

"And besides, Chullie managed to throw up all over himself and the bed" Shindong says to them.

Hoseok comes back with Jimin.

Jimin got new clothes on.

"Is he okay?" Taehyung asks.

"Yea, just a bit sleepy" Hoseok said as he kissed his Babys warm and sweaty forhead.

"I do think a nap would be good" Youngbae said, stroking Jiyongs pink hair.

"No Daddy, please!" Jiyong said.

"Dont wanna!" Heechul and Jaejoong pouts.

"Jinnie dont wanna sleep Dada!" Jaejin cried.

Sunghoon takes his Little boy into his arms.

"Dada will stay with you" he whispers.

The Caregivers tucked their Littles into bed and sat with them.

It took a while but one by one they fell asleep.

The Littles cuddled into eachother as they slept.

"Sleep well, Little Babys" the adults smiles as they slowly and carefully made their way out from the bedroom.

They went back to the livingroom.

And in loving words, talking about their Babys.

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