Sad Chullie

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Heechul felt something touch his leg, so he sat up.

There was Taffy, Berry and SJ.

They looked so sad.

He picked them up and gently rocked them in his arms.

"Is Okay, Chullie here, yous okay" he tells his Elephants.

Just like his Daddys does to him when he is sad.

Heechul froze.

But they werent his Daddys anymore!

Not even Kangin, he wasnt with Heechul right now.

He picked the others and hates Heechul now.

The Little looks at his plushies.

And he took a trip down Memory Lane.

First time he slipped into Little Space, Siwon and Donghae was there, making him feel safe.

They had all been there when Heechuls leg hurt.

They had all been there when Heechul told them about his hip pain.

They all had done Baby massage on him, helping with the pain.

They had all been accepting when Heechul wanted... Love.

And that was still embarrassing.

Taffy, was the first thing they gave him.

Berry, they loved it when he told them not to tell Berry that Heechul liked Taffy a little more.

Which now seem so stupid.

And SJ...

SJ got his name for being a reminder to Heechul that Super Junior was together.

Together, united as one and would always love eachother.

They had always made Heechul feel loved.

But, it was over.

Heechul was alone now.

He burried his face into his Elephants and let out a heartbreaking wail.

Suddenly, Heechul was picked up and craddled.

He looks up carefully.

It was Ryeowook.

The purple haired man walked to the livingroom and sits down on the couch with Heechul close to his body.

Front to front, just how Heechul likes being held when he isnt...

Well, you know.

He rocks the younger softly.

Siwon puts a blanket over Heechul.

Heechul sniffles into Ryeowooks neck.

"You're okay, I'm here now" Ryeowook whispers.

Heechuls heart broke when Ryeowook didnt say Daddy and Baby.

Heechuls crying was breaking the Caregivers hearts.

They never wanted to see their Little so upset.

Heechul slowly started to calm down and looks around.

"Da-Kyhyunie Hyung loves you so much" Kyuhyun said, stroking Heechuls back.

Heechul shakes his head.

"N-no Hyungie, Daddy, you Da-Daddy" Heechul whisperd.

They all look at him.

"Everyone Chullie Daddy" Heechul whispers.

Leeteuk immediately takes the youngest into his arms.

"Daddys Baby" he whispers.

Heechul sniffled loudly.

He felt so distressed.

Leeteuk rocked him softly, humming gently to him.

Heechul listens to his soothing voice.

And very slowly, Heechul started to calm down.

He was passed around, getting cuddles from his Daddys.

Heechul yawns, and cuddled into Sungmin.

Sungmin smiled gently and kissed hus Babys cheek.

"Sleep Baby, Daddy is here" he whispers.

"You're okay, You're safe" Kangin said to him.

And within seconds, Heechul was asleep.

Safe and sound in his Daddys arms!

SUJU's Baby Chullie (Hiatus-ish)Where stories live. Discover now