Love Me

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(A/n: holy shit!! We have 22.2 K reads!! Thank you so much!!)

Heechul sat in his 'Adult' bed.

He was sitting in a fetal position, hiding from the others.

"Heechul, do you wanna watch TV with us?" Kangin calls out.

"N-no thanks!" Heechul calls back.

He cried softly.

He wonders if his Daddys really love him.

He was so bad to them.

Heechul had been quiet about his hip pain so now they had to give him massage.

He ran away 2 times.

The first time was when he wasnt allowed to meet up with the rest of 'Knowing Brother' for dinner.

And the second time was when Heechul wasnt allowed to do anything with the members and they did things without him.

And when they got their makeover?

Heechul caused such a fuzz over it.

And the time when he hit his head and had to go to the hospital?

He HIT Siwon!

And the Yaja time.

He was so rude and disrespectful.

Before he was introduced into Little Space he wouldnt care.

But now, they are his Daddys.

He didnt want to be mean.

He burried his face into his knees and sobs loudly.

'How? How can Daddys love Chullie? Chullie is nothing but meanie!' he thought.

He didnt notice the door opening.

"Omo, Baby whats wrong" Eunhyuk asks as he holds the younger.

Heechul looks.

"Wh-why d-do Dad-Da-Daddys love Chu-Chullie? Does Da-Daddys r-really l-l-lo-love Chullie?" he whimpers out.

Eunhyuks eyes widens.

He picks the younger up and quickly makes his way to the livingroom.

"We got a small problem" he said as he craddles Heechul to his body.

"Whats that?" Kangin asks.

"Look" Eunhyuk whispers.

He then strokes Heechuls back.

"Chullie? Daddy Hyukie loves you" he said, kissing Heechuls cheek.

"No-nothing to l-love 'bout Ch-Chullie" the younger sniffles.

The others stare in shock.

Nothing to love about Chullie?

Kyuhyun takes Heechul in his arms.

"There is so much to love about you" he whispers.

Heechul burried his face into Kyuhyuns neck and shakes his head.

They sit on the couch.

The adults try to comfort him but nothing works.

They tell him, more than 20 times that they love him.

But their Little wont belive them.

Sungmin grabs his phone.

His phone beeps a little.

"Hello?" a voice answers.

"Hey Youngbae, Its SJ" Sungmin said.

"Hey guys" Youngbae smiles.

"We need a little help from you" Kangin said.

"Sure, whats going on?" the other man asks.

"Well its just like you said, Heechul is doubting and questioning us on why we love him" Leeteuk said.

"And it doesnt matter how many times you tell him, he still doubt you?" Youngbae asks, knowing whats going on.

"Exactly" Siwon and Shindong answers.

"I went through the same with Jiji" the other said.

"Daddy! Bottle!" Jiyong called.

"In a minute, Baby!" Youngbae calls back.

"Oh, are you busy?" Yesung asks.

"Not at all, just prepearing Jijis milk" the other answers.

"Anyways, when Jiji doubted that I love him, I held him in my arms.
I rocked him softly and told him how much I love him.
It took about an hour until he calmed down and we could talk about it.
Most of it is from stress.
For Jiji it was because of the stress of being a leader and he felt that he shouldnt feel loved, but only love others" Youngbae tells them.

Super Junior thanked him and they hang up.

"Baby~" Donghae coes and takes Heechul into his arms.

Heechul wails into his chest.

"Talk to Daddy" Donghae whispers as he kisses Heechuls hair.

Heechul only sobs.

He really dont want to talk.

His Daddys going to realise that he is a bad boy and reject him.

But his Daddys had patience.

After an hour Heechul started to calm down.

"There we go Baby, deep breaths" Ryeowook whispers to him.

Heechul whines as he cuddles into Donghae and puts his thumb into his mouth, sucking gently.

Donghae rocks him softly.

"Talk to us Chullie, tell Daddys whats bothering you" Kyuhyun tells him softly.

Heechul looks at them with teary eyes.

"Chullie bad boy" he sniffles.

"What? Baby no, you're not bad" Yesung said, rubbing his back.

"Why would you say that?" Kangin asks.

And with loud sobs Heechul tells them why he is a bad boy.

"A-and now D-Da-Daddys will l-leave C-Chu-Chullie" Heechul sobs.

In a flash Leeteuk took him into his arms and kissed all over his face.

"No! No! No! Daddys will never leave their Baby" Leeteuk whispers.

The Daddys of Super Junior whisperd sweet nothing to Heechul.

And very slowly, Heechul started to realise that they wouldnt leave him.

He yawns and snuggles into Leeteuk.

"Sleepy Baby?" Eunhyuk asks softly.

Heechul nods.

Leeteuk lays the Little in his arms.

"He DID miss naptime" Siwon said.

Heechul pulls at Leeteuks shirt.

The older chuckles lightly and pulls up his shirt.

Heechul immediately latched onto his nipple and sucked gently.

His eyes started to close.

But opens up, quickly.

And that goes on for a few minutes.

Leeteuk gently strokes his hair.

"Sleep Baby, Daddy got you" he whispers.

And within 10 minutes, Heechul was asleep.

He gave small suckles every now and then.

"We love you so much Baby, you make us so happy" Kangin whispers.

They watched their Baby for a while.

Love radiating from their eyes.

SUJU's Baby Chullie (Hiatus-ish)Where stories live. Discover now