Chapter 35 -- Wherever you will go

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(A/N: Play that song on the right .. The moment you've reached the second ~~~ )


It seemed several people recognized us, it seemed that everybody who glanced our way knew us personally. It seemed odd and I will never get used to the feeling. Like long lost friends, people came up to us to enthusiastically offer a hug and ask for our pictures, and ask how our trip was going.


We endured what seemed to be hundreds of handshakes and hugs with smiles. Fellow passengers across the aisle from Tyler struck up conversations while in the air. Tyler understood about every third word due to the engine noise, but he bobbed or shook his head at appropriate moments to be polite. Ever the approachable couple as they say.

The attendant on our final flight to their destination was an angel in disguise. She picked up on their brief unintentional look of despair when the seat opposite the aisle was occupied with an overly friendly male.

Much to my relief – even they had limits -- the attendant asked the man if he would mind sitting on the emergency row to man the door, in the unlikely event that was needed. He said sure, and I could feel Tyler melt into his seat. Unknown to him, his finger had been tapping for the last hour.

 "Can I get you anything else?" the attendant asked, even though she hadn't directly acted on anything they requested.

I glanced down at his hand in mine and saw that it was quiet. I smiled beautifully. "No, I'm so thankful for the quiet, I could kiss you."

The attendant looked around before leaning in. "I AM staying in town for the night, if you want, we could..."

"Kidding, just kidding," I giggled to interrupt her.

 The attendant rushed to recover from her out of bounds step. "I...well...if, uh..."

I grabbed the girl's hand. "Shh...It's okay. Happens all the time, so...I don't recall this happening, do you?"

 "So...a Sunkist for you? What about you, Mr Walton? I mean, sir?"


 "Coke will be fine," Tyler said slowly, unsure of what just happened.

 "Sure thing, I'll get those to you once we're in the air." Then she disappeared behind the curtain just ahead of us.


 He looked at me. "That happens all the time? Girls hitting on you?"

 "Girls, guys...whatever. You said I'm pretty, right?"

 "I'm not sure I like that...well...SHE'S kinda hot, maybe we COULD get her number and see if..."

I reached over and smacked his chest, forgetting about Scarloe sleeping on Tyler’s arms. "OW! Down, Girl. I'm not into that!" I dropped his hand so I could rub the smarting one.

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