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(sent from nini's phone)

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(sent from nini's phone)

(sent from nini's phone)

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    ~Ricky was pounding his hand against the dvd player in the library

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Ricky was pounding his hand against the dvd player in the library. he had lost track of time and now the disc was stuck and he had to get mr.mazzara to try and open it. "i'm sorry mr.mazzara, i gotta go" ricky started to race out of the library "i'll pay for it later!" was the last thing ricky said as he ran out the door.

he ran and ran and ran until he was outside the auditorium. he paused. should i really do this? he thought to himself. "i have to. for nini."
he swung the door open and started to run to the stage "am i too late?" he asked out of breath. nini sighed and rolled her eyes because it was her turn to audition. when ricky realized this he slowed down and let her perform. when she was getting ready ej(like the idiot he is) decided to yell "woo! you got this babe" causing miss jen to spill her drink over the technology stuff and lose power.

"nobody panic! nini, let's wait for the lights to come back on. i don't want this to throw you" nini took a deep breath "i'm not thrown" she began to sing "the start of something new" and ricky took his phone flashlight and aimed it at her and of course ej decided to do the same. nini ended up doing absolutely amazing. "well thank you nini. i only needed 32 bars but i appreciate your commitment. now, you! late boy! let's do the chad sides" ricky introduces himself and than completely butchered the chad sides.
"okay kiddo.. time to sing" miss jen said
"actually, i prepared my own song if that's okay" "sure"
ricky begins to play "i think i kinda you know" on his guitar. nini rolls her eyes "he is not doing this" but she had a faint smirk on her face as he began to sing. she noticed he changed some of the words and she liked it. wow he doesn't suck at this. she thought to herself. he's actually really good...STOP. snap out of it nini. you have a boyfriend now. and ricky broke you heart. remember that? stop stop stop. nini shook her head and snapped back into reality. ricky was finishing his song and she realized that ej had taken his arm off of her. she didn't mind though.
about 15 minutes later

 ~about 15 minutes later~

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hiii. thanks for readingg. i k ow this ones short but they will gradually get longer i promiseee. i don't know how consistent updates will be because of school but i won't not update. i hope your liking this so far. i don't really know if i do yet but we'll see. i hope you guys enjoy your day/nightt <3

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