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(9 days later)

gina sighed and put her phone down

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gina sighed and put her phone down. she had no idea what was gonna happen between her and ricky. all she knew is that she didn't wanna lose him.
suddenly there was a knock on her bedroom door. "ginny.." she almost started crying at the sound of rickys voice "come in icky" he peeked his head in the door with a dorky smile. "how's my favorite girl?" he asked as he walked in. she smiled as if to say i'm fine but he knew her better than that. he sat next to her and put an arm around her. "look ginny. i don't know what it's like to move or have to leave a lot but i know you. i know how strong you are and i know that your gonna be okay." "what if i'm not strong enough ricky? what if i can't make any friends or everyone hates me?" he put his hand on her chin and made eye contact with her "gina you are the most likeable person i know. your so outgoing and funny and talented. i mean no one is ever gonna be able to do that taylor solo like you do. if anybody there 'hates' you than they clearly don't know they're missing out on. your the best and anyone there would be lucky to have you as a friend" she smiled and hugged him. he smiled and held onto her tight. he didn't wanna let go. "thank you ricky.... i love you"
when she realized what she said she let go of the hug. ricky had no idea what to say. his parents don't even say that anymore. he couldn't say it to nini that's why she left him. there's no way he could say it now. he was froze. all he could think about was when nini said it and he couldn't say it back. he didn't wanna ruin things with gina. but he definitely couldn't say the L**E word.
"uhh..." ricky started. ginas smile faded. she knew he wasn't gonna say it back. ricky was going to say something but gina cut him off "yes ricky. i love you. but i think we should break up. i know how this goes. we say we can do long distance and that we'll call everyday but we won't. maybe at first but we'll fade. i know it sucks but it's the way it has to be. i'm sorry ricky"
rickys eyes started to get watery. "gina..." his voice cracked. gina knew that he didn't love her. not the way he she loves him.... not the way he loves nini. whether he would admit it or not. "i'm sorry ricky. but we can't do it. we just aren't strong enough" she couldn't look at him. he sighed. "don't be sorry. i was never good enough for you anyway" he got up and began walking towards the door. before he left he turned back and looked at her. she was looking at him too. "just don't forget about me icky, kay?" she asked with a small laugh. he couldn't help but smile "how could i ever forget you ginny?" he was gonna miss her a lot and she was gonna miss him.
with one last smile he closed the door and went home to finish getting ready for school. he felt bad for gina. he knew how hard it is for her to make friends. not because there's something wrong with her but because people are just intimidated by her. he always liked that about her. he felt tears begin to grow in his eyes at the thought of never seeing her again. all of the sudden his phone began to ring.
(ninis pov)
"woah. kourt look. today is ginas last day" i say as i see ginas post. i don't really know how to feel. i mean i like gina and all but ricky. i know how happy she makes him. "nini just because gina is moving away doesn't mean you get to go and try and win ricky back. give the boy his space. he's gonna be hurting after this" i sighed. she's right. ricky probably doesn't wanna hear from me anyway. "i know kourt. i won't do anything" we continued to get ready for school. after about twenty minutes i finally give up. "i have to call him kourt. i just have to. at least to see if he's okay" kourtney sighed "whatever girl. good luck"

hello?  ricky asked confused

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hello? ricky asked confused. he didn't know why nini would be calling him now of all times. hey! umm i-i just wanted to know if your okay... nini didn't want this to be weird. she wanted it to be the way it used to be... but it wasn't. it was like they were total strangers. what do you mean? why wouldn't i be? he didn't wanna tell her how upset he was. he didn't realize how far apart they'd grown since him and gina got together. you know. the whole gina moving thing? i just wanted to make sure that your okay i guess. ricky sighed. he missed her. i'm okay nini. thanks for checkin on me. not many people do that anymore. nini felt bad. she knew he was going through a lot. and not just the whole gina moving thing. of course ricky. i'm always here for you. about anything. he smiled weakly. thanks nini... i should go. i have to get ready for school. bye. nini frowned bye ricky.

ricky didn't know how to feel. him and gina just broke up. he shouldn't have feelings for someone else already... but it's nini. he sighed and started to skate home so he could finish getting ready. he couldn't stop thinking about gina and nini. he needed a break. a break from dating and relationships for a while.


ricky put his phone in his pocket and looked at the clock

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ricky put his phone in his pocket and looked at the clock. he couldn't wait for this day to be over. "hey ricky! are you going to the party for gina tonight?" ricky turned to see big red and carlos walking over to him from the other end of the classroom. he sighed "i don't know. i think it might be kinda weird ya know? i mean me and gina broke up this morning and i don't really know what's going on with nini.." big red out his hand on rickys shoulder. "come on man. just forget about that stuff. it's ginas last day here. i don't think she'd enjoy the party if you weren't there" the bell rang. ricky got up and started putting his stuff in his bag. he sighed again "i guess i'll go. but only because i want gina to enjoy her last day" carlos and big red smile. "okay cool! see you there!" they wave goodbye and head their separate ways.

"hey ricky, wait up!" he turned to see nini running up to him. he couldn't help but smile. "hey nini, what's up?" she smiled "are you going to ginas party?" she asked very excitedly. he laughed "yeah i guess so" she giggled "okay good. i'll see you there!" he chuckled "yeah it seems like it" she smiled. "i'll see you later ricky" and she hugged him. at first he didn't know what to do but than he just smiled and hugged her back. "see ya nini!" he watched her walk away. he didn't know why but he couldn't help but smile. he shook his head and began to walk home and get ready for ginas party. he couldn't stop thinking about what he felt for nini.


1270 words. hi all! i know this chapter isn't much but i tried. i'm so so so so so so so sorry about not updating. i got behind in school and i didn't really have any time to write. but here i am. let me know if you guys still want updates. until next time. <3

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