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(sent from ninis phone)

(sent from ninis phone)

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(sent from rickys phone)

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(sent from rickys phone)

~"hey!" ricky turned around to find gina sitting at a booth by the window

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"hey!" ricky turned around to find gina sitting at a booth by the window. "sup" ricky smiled as he sat down across from the girl. "what's up with you? why'd you wanna meet up?" gina said as a smirk grew on her face as she saw the curly headed boy blush.
"um.. well i just wanted to hang. you know? we're friends and all that so it shouldn't be weird" he shrugged. gina smiled "it's not weird. i'm actually kinda happy that you asked me to hang. i've been kinda lonely lately.." ricky gave her a concerned look "why? you have friends, all the theatre kids and stuff. why don't you hang out with them?"
she shrugged "i'm kind of an outsider. i'm the new girl who made a fool of herself thinking she could land the lead in the school musical when i'm honestly not even that good at singing.." ricky frowned "gina your amazing. you like one of the most talented people i've ever met. and your so good at singing. like i wish i could be that good. and your like so beautiful and-" wait. did i just- i did. ohmygod. gina smiled with hints of pink in her cheeks. "um sorry. i uh. i didnt mean to make it weird. but i mean. you are. beautiful that is.." he smiled sheepishly at his own words. gina looked up at him "thank you" was all she could say before both there phones went off with a text from miss jen asking where they were.
they had gotten so caught up in the moment that they lost track of time. "come on, i'll drive you so you don't have to walk"
when they finally arrived everyone had already started practicing. the first person ricky noticed was nini. she looked beyond mad. shit. he walked over to where her and carlos were standing. they were both pissed. "let's do this thing! 5, 6, 7, 8" the music started and ricky had no idea what to do. he tried to follow what nini was doing but completely failed and ended up doing spirit fingers and laughing awkwardly.
"what is he doing?!" nini asked carlos. "i- i'm right here." ricky said waving his hand. "yeah" nini rolled her eyes at him.
"take five everyone" carlos said with a sigh.
"what are you doing ricky?" nini stormed towards her water bottle, ricky following shortly after. "i'm rehearsing" he responded in a 'duh' tone. "no ricky, i mean what are you doing here? you hate musicals and you don't even know the choreo. why don't you leave and let someone who really wants to play the part play it"
ricky scoffed "fine. whatever." he grabbed his bag and skateboard and started to storm out just as miss jen walked in. "where's troy going?" she asked confused "my name is ricky!" and he stormed out of the building.
as he was about to get on his board and go to the skatepark he heard a familiar voice call after him. he turned around "what do you want gina?" "what i want is for you to come back to rehearsal but we both know that isn't gonna happen. so where are you going?" he rolled his eyes "skate park" "can i come?" ricky considered this for a moment. "yeah. i'd like that"

 i'd like that"~

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ahhh. okay this is kinda longer than the other ones. i still don't know how to feel about thiss.
but hey we got some rina action. anyone out there a fan?
well anyway. thank you for readinggg. as always i hope good having a good day/night.

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