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(one month after hoco)ricky and gina have been dating for a month

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(one month after hoco)
ricky and gina have been dating for a month. nini has also been single for a month. all that's been on her mind is ricky and how to fix things between them. they weren't arguing or anything but it was still really awkward. her and ej have kind of a friendship thing now.
ricky has been pretty happy lately. he still thinks about nini a lot but he pushes it down because he really likes gina and he doesn't wanna ruin things. he's gotten pretty close with ashlyn and they're even working on a song. him and gina have been hanging out A LOT. he even met her mom. she seems really nice.
all in all everyone's been pretty good. little did they know....
"PARTY AT ASHLYN'S AFTER THANKSGIVING!" ricky heard carlos yell.
ricky wasn't really all excited for thanksgiving. his mom was still in chicago. he didnt really feel like celebrating. but he knew gina would want to go so he agreed. he gave gina a kiss and said bye to everyone and went home.
"this is nice dad" ricky said when he walked into the kitchen of his house. "yeah you don't see a lot of hot wings and instant mashed potatoes in the history books.
we should bring leftovers to aunt judys later." rickys looked at his dad pleadingly "about that, some of my friends are getting together for a sort of late-night after-party thing" his dad looked up "when you say "late night,' you mean eight o'clock." ricky smirked "yea, we roll hard" they both laughed. ricky walked up to his room and put his headphones in. he was listening to the hsm soundtrack trying to memorize all the songs. before he knew it it was almost time for the theatre kid party.
he got up and went downstairs. his dad had already left. he picked up his phone and began to dial his moms number. he hesitated before he clicked the call button. the phone rang about twice before someone answered "hello?" it was a mans voice. "i'm sorry." he looked down at his phone. "i was trying to reach lynne.
i think i have the wrong number." he was confused. he knew this was his moms number. "no. you got it right. ricky, this is todd. ive heard so much about you." ricky felt his heart drop. "wait, what?" he didn't know what to do. "lynnes in the shower. can i take a message?"ricky felt tears falling down his face. he hung up the phone and started pacing around. all the sudden he heard his doorbell ring. he walked over and wiped his tears. he opened it. "gina. hey" she smiled "hey babe" he smiled "come in come in" "thanks" she said as he ushered her in. "thought we could walk to ashlyns together but it's freezing out there sooo. i made you this hat" she handed him a hat that looked like a little turkey. he loved it. she saw how red his eyes were and became concerned "hey is everything okay" he looked at her "yeah. yep... okay no. i think my mom has a new boyfriend and it's just a lot. i don't wanna be a downer though" she gave a weak smile "i get it" he smirked sadly "no offense but i don't think you do" she smiled "let me guess.
you're mad at everyone and everything because just when you're getting used to things changing, they change again.
am I close?" he chuckled "little bit" she smiled again "look ricky. i know this are hard. trust me. but you can't let it get to you. everyone goes through things. everyone gets sad. but sometimes you just gotta ignore it and let loose. have some fun. come to the party ricky. i'm sure you'll feel better after hanging around a bunch of idiots who love you." he didn't know what to say. he just pulled her into a hug. he didn't wanna let go. for the first time in his life he wasn't thinking about nini. he let go of the hug.
"give me that hat" he said with a genuine smile on his face. he put it on and it fell just above his eyes. gina giggled "that's too big" he laughed "i'll grow into it" the both smiled and left his house hand in hand.

~when they got to ashlyns house they walked in hand in hand laughing

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when they got to ashlyns house they walked in hand in hand laughing. they walked in and nini was there "nice hat" she says smiling. she thought he looked so cute but she couldn't say that. she had to push all her feelings down. she didn't wanna ruin what ricky had with gina. she knew that he was happy and she didn't wanna cause him pain. "thanks" ricky said. he had a smile on his face. nini looked at gina "i'm guessing you made it right?" she said with a laugh. gina chuckled "yeah. it's crazy what you can pick up watching youtube" ricky and gina both laughed. nini didn't get it but laughed anyway. they could tell she was uncomfortable so they decided to go say hi to some other people. when they were gone nini sighed and sat down on the stairs again. get. over. him. nini.
ricky and gina walked into the living room to see the group divided in two. carlos explained the game to them and they decided to be in the west high knights. after what felt like forever the west high knights won. more specifically gina. she called her mom "mom i just got crowned the queen of crazy town" she couldn't stop smiling. ricky couldn't help but smile too. he loved her smiled. "oh wait mom. say hi to everyone. here your on speaker" everyone basically yelled hi into her phone "hi guys. gina honey. can you take me off speaker" ginas smile faded "um yeah" she took the phone off speaker and walked away. ricky became worried. he knew about ginas situation and what could happen. about five minutes later gina was grabbing her things in the kitchen. ricky walked in "hey are you okay" she had tears in her eyes "do i look okay to you" he felt bad. he knew exactly what this meant. "can i walk you home" gina scoffed "no. there's not really a point now is there. i don't even know what i was thinking getting into this. i'm sorry ricky" he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. she was resistant at first but she eventually gave in and started balling into his chest. "how long do you have?" "10 days"
ahh i'm sorry i haven't updated. honestly my schedule is everywhere. i barley have any free time. i know this is short i'm sorryy. but omg thank you for 1kkkk. you guys are amazingg. thank you for readinggg. ahh. i hope you guys are all having a good day/night.
update june 11 2020- okay i know it's been a super long time but would you guys still want me to update? i've been working on chapter 7 if you do. i'm so sorry i stopped updating. i got really behind in school and i had no time to write but now i'm on summer vacation so i have a lot more free time. let me know if you guys still want an update.

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