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(sent from ninis phone)

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(sent from ninis phone)

~nini put her phone down with confidence in her blood

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nini put her phone down with confidence in her blood. she was gonna get ricky back and lose ej. she was excited about it. she got up, said bye to her moms and went to the cafe where she knew ej would be. "hey babe!" he called he over. she faked a smile and walked over to him "can we talk" his smile faded but he agreed.
they walked outside and sat on a bench. nini kept a safe distance incase or when he gets mad. "look ej-" "nini i think we should break up" ej cut her off. she was shocked. "really?" "yea..i didn't wanna hurt you but i figured you were gonna do it anyway. i just don't think i can be in a committed relationship right now. i need to be free."
nini was speechless "i'm sorry ej" he smiled weakly "it's okay nini. really. i broke up with you not the other way around" "thank you" she gave him one last hug and than went to find ricky.
"come on ickyyy. you cant just not go to homecoming" ricky looked up "um. actually yes i can. i don't have a date anyway. big red is going with ashlyn. nini is probably going with ej and i can't go with you gina. than everyone would think we're dating" he sighed. gina thought about this "well what if we were?" "what? i mean no offense gina but i'm kinda into someone else.." she sighed "not for real or anything idiot. like fake dating. they all already think we're dating. why not give em what they want?" he thought about it for a while. just as he was about to respond there was a knock at his door.
he looked at gina for a second and then got up to open the door. he peeked our and froze. "umm... nini.. hi. what are you doing here?" gina heard this and knew it meant for her to leave out the window. there was a latter there so she could easily climb down. "um. can we talk?" nini was almost in tears. almost all of her confidence was lost. "uhh yeah. give me like 5 seconds" he closes his door and helped gina escape quietly. he knew that if nini saw gina there than it would ruin any chance of them getting back together.
when she was gone he went back and opened the door for her and let her in. "so um what did you want to talk about?" she sat down on his bed and took a deep breath. "me and ej broke up." ricky sat down next to her "what? i'm sorry nini. i know you really liked him" she looked up at him. he was already looking at her. do it nini. just do it. kiss him. come on nini.
they sat there for about two minutes just looking at each other. they both knew how they felt but neither of them had the nerves to say it. before they knew it they were both leaning in only inches apart from each other. there was silence.
hahah. cliff hangerrr.
sorry if this chapter isn't that good. it was kinda rushed but i still think it's okay. it's not that long though. anyway if you have any feedback feel free to pm me. also i'm working on another book that isn't out yet. follow me for updates on thattt.
okay thank byeeee<3

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