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~(night before hoco)silence

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(night before hoco)
silence. the only sound in the room was the sound of their breathing. ricky leaned in to kiss her but nini turned away. why did i do that? stupid stupid stupid stupid. "im sorry ricky"
he didn't say anything. he just sat there looking at her in disbelief.
"ricky..." she knew she messed up. after he processed what happened he looked away and finally said something. he said it so low that nini almost couldnt here him. "go" nini was about to say something but than she saw the tears growing in his eyes and she felt horrible. she nodded understandably and left.
ricky was left in his room with tears in his eyes. as soon as he heard nini leave he burst into tears. he threw his face in his pillow and just balled. he did that literally all night.
(the next day)(hoco dayyy)
ricky walked into the school(late of course). he walked into science which was his first period and sat next to big red. "dude whats wrong? you look terrible" big red had a disgusted look on his face and was examining ricky. "thanks man. it's nothing don't worry about it" big red nodded and got back to playing whatever lame game he was playing in his phone. after 3 long periods ricky had lunch. he found gina and sat down next to her. "hey icky. what wrong?" he sighed "it's nothing ginny" she smiled sympathetically "come on ricky. you can talk to me" he looked up at her and he suddenly came to a realization.


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(sent from ninis phone)

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(sent from ninis phone)

~ricky put his phone down and sighed

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ricky put his phone down and sighed. him and gina were dating. and not just for homecoming. like they were real deal dating.
after all that stuff with nini he realized that gina was actually pretty amazing. he really liked her and thought that he shouldn't miss out on her because of a girl who has no interest in him.
"hey icky.. do you actually like me or are you just doing this to get back at nini. because i really don't wanna start something of your just gonna leave me anyway" he looked up at her. she was sitting on his bed and he was on the floor below it. "of course i like you ginny. your amazing, your smart, your funny, your nice, your beautiful, your amazing at dancing and singing... the list goes on. i mean how much better could i do? plus. i would never put you through that pain"
she smiled at him and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "let's get ready for homecoming"
when they got there almost no one had arrived yet. they didn't really care though. they took there pics together and went to sit down. "where is everyone?" ricky asked confused. gina looked around "i don't know" there was only about twenty people there.
finally carlos came in. "hey yalllll. ready to par tayyyyyy?" he asked excited. the couple looked at each other and got up. "yayyy" carlos has a smile on his face. it only grew larger when seb walked in. seb and carlos began to dance together and so did ricky and gina.
after about half an hour of dancing they all sat down together. ricky looked up and saw nini walk in with kourtney. he rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to gina. she was watching nini too. he felt bad. he got up and moved in front of her. he stretched his hand out and said "may i have this dance?" gina had a shade of light pink in her cheeks. she put her hand in his "of course"
they walked to the middle of the dance floor and began to dance to a slow song. ricky smiled at her. he was actually happy.
nini looked over and saw them. her heart dropped. ricky was over her. she knew it was all her fault. "kourt i ruined everything" she sighed to her bestfriend. all kourtney could do was hug her. she didn't know what to say. they went over to sit with seb and carlos. nini sat and watched ricky and gina talking and laughing together. she missed when her and ricky were like that. "nini you can't torture yourself. go put yourself out there. be social" carlos had kind of a sympathetic look on his face. she gave a weak smile to him in assurance.
when the song ended ricky and gina made they're way back to the table laughing the whole time. when they sat down they realized nini was there. shit. ricky didn't know whether he should ignore her or not. just as he was gonna say something to her big red ran up to him and pointed at the speakers. he heard "born to be brave" playing. him and big red used to secretly jam to this song in his basement all the time. a smile grew on his face as big red grabbed his hand and he grabbed ginas. the three of them began to dance like crazy people. carlos and seb couldnt help but join in. ashlyn joined too. eventually everyone was just randomly dancing. except for nini and kourtney. they both loved the song but nini didn't wanna be by ricky. "girl. you know i love you. but this is my jam. now you can sit here having a pitty party for yourself or you can come and have fun with your friends. nini looked around at the people in front of her. she thought about it for a minute. she smiled and grabbed kourtneys hand. "let's go" she said with a laugh.
they all spent the rest of the night dancing like idiots and honestly just having fun and enjoying themselves.

 they all spent the rest of the night dancing like idiots and honestly just having fun and enjoying themselves

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yayyyy. happy chapterr(mainly) sorry this took so long to upload. i had a really busy weekend. anyway. i'm working on a one shot book so be sure to follow me so you can check it out when i release itt. i hope you all are having a great day/night

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