Chapter 16

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"Now where's Yeonjun? That dick almost puts me into danger!" Yeji gritted her teeth in annoyance as she look everywhere for the boy

"Didn't you know? He got suspended," Soobin scoffed that made Yeji's frown turn into confusion

"What? Why?" Yeji looked at him weirdly because of the wounds on his face

"He deadass knocked-out Seungmin infront of the guidance counselor when you passed out," Soobin chuckled

"Serves him right!" Yeji whispered into thin air before slumping her back  at the vacant seat beside Lia

Soobin has a blackeye on the right side of his eyes. Kai has a swollen lips and Taehyun has an open wound on his cheekbone.

"Beomgyu pushed me away, what the fuck is his problem? I was only helping him!" Ryujin rant as she stabs her fork on the table

Soobin and Lia glanced at each other making signals whether or not they should tell Ryujin about that night

"Beomgyu likes you, right?" Yuna spat out earning a gasp from her friends

"What?! No shit, sherlock!" Ryujin denies making Yuna and Kai giggle at the sight

"Eyes never lie!" Yuna and Kai said in unison then both laughed meanwhile Ryujin is already fuming mad

"Yeah, right like how Kai looks at Yuna with heart eyes, yeah, I get it!" Ryujin retorded making Kai shut his mouth because of embarassment

"Hey! Why did you exposed him?" Taehyun broke out a small smile as he sees Kai's ears getting red

"But, seriously though? Didn't Beomgyu confessed last year or last las year that he likes you? Our boy is consistent, why not give him a chance?" Soobin asked earning a death glare from Ryujin

"He's not even courting me, and if he ever did I will not give him a chance also fyi I already met my wife that's Shin Yuna if you guys are not aware." Ryujin rolled her eyes before sipping her orange juice

"You know Yuna's straight, right?" Kai blurted out making Ryujin turn her head on their spot

"Who says I'm straight?" Yuna asked innocently at Kai whose eyes widen

"You're not?" Disappointment can be heard at Kai's tone that made Yuna smile

"I am. But, I kinda like Ryujin she looks so chic with that pink hair," Yuna complimented that made Ryujin secretly smile

"I like you too, oh no, lemme rephrase that, I love you too." Ryujin winked at Yuna when Kai put his hands on Yuna's eyes cutting their eye contact

Then, Ryujin and Kai started bickering

Meanwhile, there's an awkward silence between Taehyun, Chaeryeong, Lia and Yeji. No one dares to speak when Taehyun broke the silence

"Kai, I thought you said you're not good in playing basketball?" Taehyun scoffed at the sight of Ryujin pulling Kai's hair

Yuna and Soobin were laughing at the two and finally Ryujin let go of his hair

"Did Yeonjun tell you that? I'm just really not confident with my skills because I stopped playing for a whole yea-" Kai's sentence was cut off when someone threw a ball at his head, the impact was so loud that his head bowed down into the table

Yuna hurriedly checked on him while rubbing his head where he got hit, the ball rolled down into the table and their snacks and water poured down in their pants

"Who the fuck did that?!" Ryujin stood up and basically growled making everyone in the cafeteria stopped on what they were doing

"Whoopsie, it's the losers well except for you girls!" Hyunjin came out of nowhere as he started approaching their table, winking at Ryujin and Yeji

"Oh that's probably why it smelt like a sweaty armpit," Ryujin sat back down as she didn't dare glance at the boys

"Why are you here?" Soobin asked boldly, knowing that Beomgyu and Yeonjun isn't with them means they wouldn't be able to protect these girls from what's gonna happen

"I'm here to take my girl, Ryujin and Yeji. Ya know? You lose the bet." Hyunjin smirked playfully

"We didn't even agree on that bet!" Taehyun calmly stated making Hyunjin turn his head on Taehyun's side with an annoyed face

"Your opinion doesn't matter, I'm gonna take what's mine!" Hyunjin growned and pulled Ryujin harshly making her stand up from her seat

Soobin and his fast reflexes immediately pulled back Ryujin and took her behind his back.

All of them stood up their seat, the boys are glaring at each other when Seungmin grip Yeji's wrist making her groan in the sudden act

"Let go of her wrist or I'll fucking cut your hand off." Yeonjun warned Seungmin who flinched at the coldness of his voice

Yeonjun showed up with a bruised knuckles, red eye and blackeye even still he's still attractive

Seungmin let go of Yeji's wrist, it became violet while Yeonjun gritted his teeth trying to calm himself from doing such thing knowing that he only climbed at the wall to get inside the campus

"I'll wait for you outside, Choi fucking Yeonjun!" Hyunjin emphasized every word of his name

Yeonjun only raised his middle finger up before they all went out of the cafeteria.

"Yeonjun! What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here, your punishment might get extended!" Soobin exclaimed at Yeonjun who's not showing any emotions at them

"I knew Hyunjin will come back to get you guys, I just have to make sure you will be alright especially Yeji." Yeonjun retorded making Yeji turn her head at the two

"You know I don't need help," Yeji rolled her eyes, her heart still locked at Yeonjun for doing all that sacrifices

"Yeah, says the one who almost got carried away by that dickhead Seungmin," Yeonjun darted his eyes everywhere except for Yeji who's glaring at him

"How's Beom, by the way?" Taehyun asked curiously

"Doing fine, he sent me here to look out for Ryujin though he don't have to because that's what I'm gonna do until my suspentions up," Yeonjun answered

"What a tsundere he is!" Ryujin rolled her eyes earning a laugh from the others

"I hope I won't get a concussion by tomorrow." Kai chuckled as Yuna pouted and started rubbbing his head again because of the ball thrown at his head

"Yuna will take care of you if ever you'll have one," Chaeryeong muttered

"I hope I got one!" Kai quickly muttered making Yuna slap his head

They all laughed at the sight of the two bickering with each other.

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