Chapter 25

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"Imma let my soul cry through these words,"


Beomgyu was busy playing video games that he didn't notice Ryujin's already awake and watching him

The lights were turned off and the only thing lighting the room on is from the TV where Beomgyu is playing with his controller getting smashed almost most of the time

Beomgyu frustratedly stand up not knowing that Ryujin is watching his every move

He reached for the pack of cigarettes on top of his cabinet, he was ready to light it up when he realized Ryujin is sleeping (well that's what he thought)

He decided to smoke outside not until Ryujin approached him and took the cigarettes out of his hand

"You suck at playing, play with me." Ryujin softly muttered as she placed Beomgyu's cigarettes into her pocket

Beomgyu remain silent, his eyes followed Ryujin who sat down into his carpet and took the other controller

Ryujin picked Mario Kart which Beomgyu only let her. They started playing and Beomgyu is not taking it seriously

Ryujin won but she's not happy 'cause obviously Beomgyu isn't taking it seriously. He's letting her win.

"C'mon be serious!" Ryujin whines

Beomgyu smirks, as they play the second time. Beomgyu won.

"You told me to take it seriously, why are you pouting and glaring at me like that?" Beomgyu chuckled

"Whatever," Ryujin rolled her eyes and went back to Beomgyu's bed

She's too comfortable around him that she just take the whole bed not letting Beomgyu sit on it.

It's 10 in the evening. Ryujin and Beomgyu's stomach started growling. They both laughed in unison

"Stay here, I'll order food and maybe ask the others if they want some." Beomgyu smiled before closing the door

When he went out of the room, the lights were turned off. He bumped into Yuna who's rushing to go outside.

Yuna forced a smile as she walked out without looking back

Beomgyu only mouthed 'OK'

He searched for the others only to find them drinking at the terrace.

Beomgyu decided to order for them. He should pick the food since the others are still sleeping and the others are not in their right minds to pick

Beomgyu approached Kai and asked what he wants, he picked pizza which Beomgyu only nodded his head.

Kai seems a bit off. He doesn't look like he's in the mood to speak. Even still he looks cute in Beomgyu's eyes while drinking his favourite grape juice

Beomgyu ordered fastfood, and went back inside his room. Ryujin was fast asleep. Or is she?

'She just woke up and now she's sleeping again?' Beomgyu thought to himself as he turn off the TV and tidy up the snacks and game controller scattered on the carpet.

He didn't turn on the lights, instead he turn on the lava lamp on the corner of his bed

It was just a little light but Beomgyu can still see Ryujin's face from where he's standing

He honestly felt tired and wanted to lie down his bed but decided not to since it might be disrespectful to Ryujin

He look for Ryujin's pocket. He tried to take out his cigarettes from her but failed miserably.

'Shit!' Beomgyu curses himself

Since the food hasn't arrived yet he might as well take a nap on the other room

He turn the doorknob when Ryujin suddenly spoke, Beomgyu flinched. He thought she was sleeping.

"You scared me," Beomgyu sigh deeply

"What did I do? I only asked where you're going." Ryujin confusedly said

"Nevermind, I'm just going to rest at the guest room." Beomgyu stated

"Why not rest here?" Ryujin asked innocently

Beomgyu clicked his tounge. Ryujin doesn't seem to understand these kind of things. She might be aggressive at times but she's still a baby.

"You're right as if that will fix things up especially you're a woman and I'm a man," Beomgyu sarcastically said while rolling his eyes

Ryujin laughed hysterically then stops.

"You were acting so cold to me last week, what happened now?" Ryujin asked sadly

She feels like she needs to know something, Beomgyu acted like he didn't knew Ryujin for months

Beomgyu sighed as he approached the latter, he lie sideways on the bed so they are both facing each other.

"Believe me when I say those months were the hardest time of my life," Beomgyu whispered as he caressed Ryujin's cheek

It was a breath taking moment for Ryujin but she didn't break the atmoshphere lingering around them.

She put her hands on Beomgyu's. She stare deeply into his eyes while saying, "Those times that you were avoiding me hurts me the most,"

Beomgyu let out a small smile. He heave a sighed as guilt drawn in his face

"It's for the better, I'm glad you're here right now, and I'm afraid that once we go out it'll be like those times again." Beomgyu started intertwining their fingers

Ryujin stare at him confusedly. She does not get what he's trying to say.

"Are you saying you're afraid to show your love for me in public?" Ryujin asked bitterly

"Since when did you have interest in me for you to ask like that?" Beomgyu asked sheepishly

"Just answer my damn question," Once again Ryujin is loosing her temper

"No, I'm not afraid to show my love for you infront of those people but.... I'm afraid of what people might do to you because you're connected to me."

Beomgyu planted a soft kiss on Ryujin's head as he let go and walked out of the room

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