The static instantly ceased and was instead replaced with a voice.
"Hello child."
"What, are you a professional dip wad now?" (Y/N) sighed, crossing her arms against her sopping wet chest as she stared up at him.
There was a sigh from Slendeman's telepathic voice.
"No," He said, "I've come with an offer."
"And I come with an answer," (Y/N) said.
She blew him a raspberry and showed him a rude sign with her hand.
She repeated it but with the other hand.
"Child please," Slender sighed.
"Don't you 'child please' me mister!" (Y/N) sassed, leaping up, "In case you forgot, I don't want to join!"
She began to stalk up the gravel bank to the main road when Slender called,
"To go do what? To steal packaged meat from stores? To live like an animal, sleeping in dumpsters when it's too cold just because you won't agree to join this family?"
"I don't know what family is!" (Y/N) bellowed over the rain, whipping around with tears in her eyes, "I've never in my life had a family! What about your offer makes it seem so great?"
Slender walked up to her and kneeled in front of her to get to her height.
"Child, I understand. And it's my fault. I should've even let them get to you. Please child, believe me," Slender sighed.
(Y/N) didn't respond and wiped her teary eyes on her coat sleeve, sniffling.
"You never had a life because of me and my mistakes. You never learned how to control it because of my mistakes. But child, listen to this. In the short time that you were with your parents, they loved you so much. I just got the wrong people."
By this time (Y/N) had hidden her face in her hands and was sobbing. Slender patted her head in a way of comfort until the sobs ceased to sniffles.
"But (Y/N), I promise you. If you agree to my offer you'll have the life that you should've had."
(Y/N) sighed and looked at his literal blank face.
They had taken a gut wrenching teleportation trip into what seemed like the middle of nowhere. The storm seemed to have just passed here and the trees they were standing under dripped water onto their already soaked heads. Slender placed one hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder and led her through the dark, damp forest. They walked in silence except for the squelching of the mud beneath their feet before (Y/N) broke the silence.
"Slender?" She asked.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
While this was not a satisfying answer, she decided to leave it at that. Her stomach grumbled with hunger so she pulled her soaked coat tighter around her and watched the ground.
"We are here child," Slender finally said.
(Y/N) looked up and saw a house in front of her. It looked well kept and warm inside. Smoke was billowing out a tall, brick chimney. Her stomach growled again, louder this time.
"Let's get you some food," Slender said, leading her inside.
The first thing (Y/N) noticed about this new place was that it seemed quiet. Almost too quiet. The house was large, there was absolutely no way Slender lived here all by himself. But (Y/N)'s thoughts and questions were quickly answered by loud barking.

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...