(A/N): This will be half cannon, half head cannon
(Y/N) laid there silently, listening to Brian quietly whisper about something called Marble Hornets.
"It all started with my friend Alex Kralie," he said, "He began his student film and I was the main character. Tim was in it too, he was staring as my best friend."
His friend Jay Merrick had been script supervisor, as long as a few other people starring as side characters.
According to Brian, they had almost finished the film when Alex abruptly stopped production, claiming that he would burn the tapes that they had recorded.
"That's when things started happening."
Brian started to see things, things that he could've sworn weren't there before. Slender started appearing everywhere he went, whispering things to him before eventually leading him into the woods.
"What I saw there terrified me."
It was Alex, standing over a man with a gun. Brian did not recognize the man, and he could tell that Alex didn't either, though he still held the gun to the man and shot him.
"Slender offered me a job of sorts. Track down Alex and stop him, no matter what."
After the event, Brian started to follow Alex in disguise, branching off in his trackings the further he went. He stalked Jay and Tim as well, making sure that they were staying safe.
"And then things started to happen to them too."
Tim started to have more seizures than usual, and donning the mask and jacket while Jay would somehow leave the house with all of the windows and doors never unlocked, slipping a skull mask over his face.
"After I approached them, they agreed to help me with Alex. That's where the nicknames started, Hoodie, Masky and Skully."
The only thing was that dampened the assistance was that by the next day, Tim and Jay would've gone back to normal, not remembering a thing.
"It was like they had multiple personalities. One side only remembered what it saw."
Then things got worse. After years and years of following Alex, it all came down to one place. A college campus.
Jay had followed Alex there as himself, and what had ensued changed the whole course of fate.
"Alex shot him."
Tim had assumed that Brain had killed Jay, and was furious.
"He chased me to a balcony. I had no choice."
Brian had jumped off, landing straight onto his head, killing him. (Y/N) shot up when she heard this.
"You died?!" She quietly shouted.
Brain put a finger to his lips before pulling her back down.
"Yes, but that's not where it ended. After a few days, it was like nothing had ever happened. Slender brought me back to life with an offer. He told me that Tim had killed Alex, and that Tim was now working with him."
To pay off the debt of not completing his only task and being brought back to life, Slenderman offered that if Brain killed for him, he would be provided with food and shelter.
"It was an offer too good to refuse. I was literally being handed a new life with my best friend, not having to worry about Alex."
Brain stopped talking to look down at (Y/N).
"And look where it brought me," he smiled.
(Y/N) smiled back and gave him a quick kiss.
"But what happened to Jay?" She asked after she pulled away, "Is he alive too or...."

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...