As Jack tended to her wounds, Toby sat by her. When asked to leave by Jack, he refused by saying he was the cause of the one on her arm and he felt bad.
Jack's room was pretty dark. The walls were navy blue with a black hard wood floor. His bed sat under a singe window with his bloody duffel sitting beside it. Up against a wall was a spare lab table, which was where (Y/N) was sitting.
After Jack had finished cleaning and bandaging the cuts and scrapes, he sent her out to get some rest. Toby followed her out and back downstairs.
"How're you feeling?" He asked once (Y/N) had sat down.
"I'm alright, just a little sore," She responded with a weak smile, rubbing her bandaged feet.
"Alright. Again, I'm really sorry about everything that just happened."
Toby glanced at her left arm, which was heavily bandaged.
"And again, it's okay. You guys were just trying to prepare me for the unknown," (Y/N) reassured him.
"Yeah," Toby sighed, "Well, anyways, get some rest. I'll be back to check on you in a few hours."
"Okay," (Y/N) said and flopped back down on the couch.
She felt the end of the couch lift as Toby got up. Something warm and soft climbed up next to her, and a content groan revealed it to be Smiles. (Y/N) half-heartedly scratched his back before falling asleep.
A loud static screeching jolted her awake after a few hours.
"Sorry child, but it's important."
(Y/N) huffed and jumped up from the couch. Smiles took her spot and curled up in the warmth.
As she walked down the hall, she saw a box fly out of a room she hadn't noticed before. Following the box was Jeff, knife in hand. He began ferociously stabbing the box, a wicked smile on his face as he did so. He only stopped when he noticed (Y/N) staring at him, confusedly laughing.
"Don't mind me," he muttered, picking up the stabbed box and walking away.
(Y/N) giggled as she entered Slender's office. Inside were the three proxies and Slender, all around the desk.
"There's the life of the party!" Toby cried out cheerfully.
(Y/N) smiled, glad that he was back to his normal bubbly self. But that was quickly overcome by the serious looks from Hoodie, Masky and Slender.
"What's going on?" (Y/N) asked, walking up to the group.
"I have a few questions for you," Slender muttered.
He suddenly seemed to tower over her, more so than usual, casting a shadow on her and making her nervous and vulnerable.
"Okay," she whimpered.
"What did the man who attacked you look like?" Slender asked.
(Y/N) racked her still dizzy brain for details.
"U-Um... I don't remember much but... He wore entirely black and... um... his eyes were completely red. That's all I remember."
"It fits," Masky sighed.
Hoddie huffed, nodded, and crossed his arms.
"What fits? Why do you need to know all of this?" (Y/N) asked.
"That man..." Toby sighed, suddenly somber, "Was working for Zalgo."
The world seemed to go in slow motion. Not THE Zalgo. Not the one who had attempted to kill her. No, it couldn't be.
"No," (Y/N) said quickly, "No no no, it has to just be a druggie, no."
"Child, listen to me," Slender ordered, "Every Zalgo follower fits that discription. He had to be one."
(Y/N) stood in silence for a second before asking,
"But why me? Why would they come after me?"
"To finish the job."
(Y/N)'s eyes filled with tears.
"Slender," She choked out, "I don't wanna die."
Slender sighed and watched her, not knowing what to do.
But slowly, Toby walked up to her and pulled her into a side hug.
"Don't worry, we won't let you," He muttered, comforting her.
Masky stood there for a moment before awkwardly walking up to her and patting her shoulder. Hoodie just stuffed his hands in his pockets and nervously kicked the carpet. (Y/N) sniffled and relaxed a bit, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"We are going to start training you harder now. We need you to be safe at all times," Slender said once Toby had let her go and the sniffles had ceased.
"I understand," She nodded.
There was a quiet knock on the door that interrupted the conversation.
"Come in," Slender called.
The black door opened and a panting Ben stood in the doorway.
"We're done," he sighed.
"Thank you Benjamin," Slender said.
Toby started to laugh and Masky and Hoodie's masks both lifted.
"Don't... don't call me that," Ben murmured.
"(Y/N), how about you go see your new room. We'll be having visitors here shortly," Slender instructed.
"Got it."
(Y/N) left the room, flanked by the three proxies. Ben winked at her on her way out, and Toby hit him over the head.
"Stop it you two," Slender called.
"Yes sir," Toby smirked.
(Y/N) walked across the hall into an almost empty room. The walls were all a light grey, and the door only had a coat of primer on it. There was a window in the far corner, over a single nightstand. A bed was pushed into a corner, only having just basic sheets on it and a dresser stood beside the door. In the middle of the room, Jeff and Jack were sprawled out on their backs on the pale carpet.
She walked over to them and squatted by them.
"Thank you," She said with a smile.
"Urg... you're welcome," Jack groaned, stretching his arms.
"Slender said you can look through all those old boxes for stuff you could use. Anything you don't save is getting thrown out," Jeff sighed, his arm over his eyes.
The old boxes he had mentioned were sitting in a corner, along with a few paint cans. (Y/N) gasped.
"Can I paint my door and a wall?" She asked quickly.
"Yeah, we all have!" Toby said.
(Y/N) pumped her fist and her tail started to excitedly wag.
"Okay, we'll leave you to it," Masky said, and helped Jeff and Jack up.
After they had left, (Y/N) instantly went over to the boxes. She found a few things, some blankets and a (F/C) comforter, a laptop, a few small plants and other small things she just scattered around the room. After that, she popped open a few paint cans and examined the contents. They all contained different shades of (F/C) and one was filled with supplies. (Y/N) grabbed a brush and a can of dark (F/C) paint and walked over to the far wall.

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...