When she stepped through the door, the first thing she noticed was the amazing smell that filled the kitchen. She could barely describe it, but it felt somewhat warm and comforting.
A plate was suddenly shoved into her hands by Slender and she was pushed over to a long table. All along the sides the guys she had just met were eating. Masks had been lifted up or pulled down, knives that had been stuffed in pockets were being used to cut the food and strange topics were being conversed among them.
(Y/N) found an empty spot near the end and sat down. As she looked down at her plate, her stomach longed for the sustenance that sat before her.
The plate had a large scoop of macaroni and cheese on one third, chopped up bits of hamburger on another, and steamed broccoli on the last.
She had to greatly resist the urge to eat as fast as she could, not knowing when she would be offered food next. But instead she gingerly picked up her fork and mixed the hamburger bits with the macaroni. It took her a few minutes, but she finally felt comfortable enough to take her first bite.
It was like nothing she had ever tasted before. She was instantly calmed, and her always busy conscience finally rested.
"So, what'd you do to get here?"
The guy who had asked her this question was Toby, whom she didn't realize was sitting across from her. He had pulled his face mask down to eat and (Y/N) could now see the lower half of his face. He had a bandage pad taped over the left corner of his mouth.
Masky, who sat beside Toby, elbowed him in the ribs.
"Don't ask her that, it's rude," Masky whispered.
Masky has also lifted up his mask slightly, just above the tip of his nose.
"Why? I'm just curious," Toby said.
(Y/N) lightly coughed before saying,
"I was an experiment from the government. Slender got me out of there and I was left to live on my own," She said.
Both of the guys looked interested now, both watching her expectantly. They sat in silence for a few long moments.
"Go on," Toby said with a smile, circling his fork.
(Y/N) gave them a bemused smile.
"I was running from the police tonight and I came to bridge," She continued, now going more into detail since they were so interested, "They threatened to arrest me so I jumped. There was a river below, of course, so I had to stay under for a bit. After about a minute I was able to make it to shore and that was where good ol Slender found me."
By the time she had finished, almost everyone around the table had stopped to listen in.
"Kid, if you don't mind me asking but... did you ever mention anyone else involved?" Jack asked.
(Y/N) sighed and set down her fork.
"Zalgo," was all that she said.
There were only quiet murmurs and sympathetic looks.
"I'm sorry," Jack muttered, reaching around Hoodie to pat her back.
"It's gonna be okay kid," Ben said.
"It's... it's fine," (Y/N) sighed.
"If it makes you feel any better, we're showing you around tonight," Toby said with a half smile.
"No no no, that is NOT fun," Masky said before turning to (Y/N), "Whatever you do, make sure you do not go with him. You will get lost in some shape or form."

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...