"You just missed the exit!"
"You said Exit 66!"
"No, I said Exit 56!"
They were currently crammed into a small black car, speeding down the highway. Toby and Masky were arguing in the front while Hoodie and (Y/N) sat in the back. They had been issued their first stake out in weeks, but mostly because (Y/N)'s training had gotten in the way. Earlier that morning, they had packed a few days supplies for the trip, because apparently it could take a while.
Masky suddenly pulled off to the brake down lane and parked. He angrily snatched the map from Toby and looked it over.
"Look, let's just take the next exit and we'll go from there," Toby said hesitantly, trying not to make Masky any more upset.
"I'm trying," Masky huffed and shoved the map back at him.
They drove back out onto the highway and drove in silence. (Y/N) nervously glanced over at Hoodie, but he was staring out the window, watching the trees and mountains go by.
"Left here," Toby instructed.
Masky took a sharp left down a bumpy road. All that surrounded them were clumps of trees and grass. After a few moments of jittering tension, they swerved into a clear patch and parked.
"And here we are!" Toby said, folding up the map, "See? I told you we had it."
Masky just got out and slammed the door behind him. Toby looked over his shoulder at (Y/N) and sighed. She gave him a sympathetic look in return.
Opening the car door, she followed Masky to the trunk. He popped in open and tossed her a couple folded up tents.
"Clearing just ahead," he muttered angrily, ducking back into the trunk as Hoodie and Toby came around the car.
(Y/N) followed his instructions and lugged the tents over to a small patch of grass surrounded by trees. She plopped the tents down and returned to the car, passing Toby who was carrying a few sleeping bags, and Hoodie who was carrying a duffel bag.
They took a few trips, but ended up getting the car completely unloaded. They set up the tents, a large one for the proxies and a small one for (Y/N) (because she was a girl). Each tent had a sleeping bag and pillow per person along with a storm lantern and a small clothes bag.
"So what now?" (Y/N) asked, emerging from her tent.
"I guess we should check out the house of the people we're here for," Toby answered.
"It's just a little bit north of here, shouldn't take long," Masky said, finally calming down.
(Y/N) nodded in understanding.
"Hoods, hey c'mon," Masky called, poking his head into the bigger tent.
Hoodie emerged, clicking a couple batteries into a hand held camera. He turned it on and a red light started flashing on it. He then looked up and gave them a thumbs up, signaling he was ready to go.
"Alright then, let's get going," Masky said, and started walking off into the woods.
They walked in silence for about half an hour. The only interesting thing that happened was that Hoodie stopped all of them to appreciate a toad that he found. The moment was quickly broken though when it peed on Toby while he was holding it. Wiping his wet hands on Hoodie's sleeve, they proceeded though the dense forest.
When they arrived, they were standing in front of a large log cabin. There was a light on in a bay window over looking a pond behind the house.
"Nice place," (Y/N) muttered as they huddled behind some bushes.
"It won't be so nice soon," Masky said in a hushed voice.
(Y/N) sighed, knowing what they would have to do. They headed back to camp and discussed how they were going to go through with the mission.
"Toby, you go through the front door, spare keys are hidden beneath a potted plant. Hoodie, the kitchen window should be unlocked. (Y/N), climb the tree by the attic window and sneak in through there. I'll be going through the back door with my crowbar," Masky instructed.
They all nodded.
"Any questions?" Masky asked.
"Yeah," (Y/N) said, raising her hand.
"Shoot pipsqueak."
"Do you just expect us to wing it once we're in or do you have a plan for that too?"
"There is a plan. They should be in the living room, and the couch faces away from the back and towards the front. Toby, once you get through the door they're gonna run and I need you to corner them. (Y/N), you sneak down from the attic unnoticed and try to just pull a quick sneak attack if you get in before Toby. Hoodie, you grab the house phone from the kitchen in case they decide to call the police and then find (Y/N). I'll be meeting both of you by the stairs."
"That's a lot," Toby cringed.
"Well do you think your small brain will remember it all?" Masky growled.
"Only if yours will."
"Let's not...! let's not fight," (Y/N) said, holding out her arms as Masky leaned for his crowbar.
They both sat back and sighed.
"That's all," Masky muttered.
"And that's that," (Y/N) said, falling backwards into the grass.
Something hard landed on her stomach as she stared up at the trees. She picked it up and glanced at it. It was a plastic cup of instant mashed potatoes.
"Thanks for the cocaine," (Y/N) said.
"It's food, and if you want it then start looking for firewood, I'll go get the water," Masky said.
"Righty-o captainerino," Toby stated, getting up from the ground.
They all got up and headed in different directions. It took (Y/N) at least half an hour before she had found logs that were small enough for her to carry. Panting and heavy-laden, she made her way back to the campsite.
(Y/N) gave a short scream and dropped her logs. Whipping around she saw a laughing Toby behind her.
"You suck," She sighed, punching his arm.
"Yeah, I get that a lot," Toby chuckled.
"Noooo," (Y/N) whimpered, picking up her logs.
Toby looked confused and stammered with his words.
"Wha— But you— You just— How could you say that and then instantly contradict yourself?"
(Y/N) just stuck her tongue out at him and giggled. Toby smiled and rolled his eyes. They both stooped down and picked up the fallen logs, then made their way back to camp.
"Here you go needy," (Y/N) said as she dropped the logs on the ground.
"I'm not needy," Masky muttered, striking a match and setting the wood on fire.
Masky set up a pot of water over the fire to boil, and in a few short minutes they were all eating very dry mashed potatoes.
"How is it?" Masky asked.
Hoodie coughed and powder clouded out of his mouth. Toby stuck out his tongue and furrowed his eyebrows. And (Y/N) pushed her paper plate away.
Masky sighed.
"Fine. We'll raid the house for our next meal."
(Y/N) pumped her fists and Toby have a quiet "yes". Hoodie sympathetically patted Masky on the back.
They spent the rest of the night enjoying each other's company. When night came, they all went into their tents and tried to go to sleep.
But instead, (Y/N) laid there, staring at the canvas ceiling. This was such a familiar feeling, sleeping outside. It reminded her of when she was on her own.
Stop it, she told herself, That was then, this is now. Go to sleep.
And she did.

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...