The War

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(Y/N) awoke to Brian gently shaking her shoulder, holding two cups of coffee by the handles in his other hand.

"What time is it?" (Y/N) muttered, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

"About three in the morning," Brian whispered, sitting himself on the edge of her bed.

He had already gotten dressed, and he had two of his best guns tucked into his pockets, with as much ammo as he could hold shoved into every other pocket.

(Y/N) cleared her throat from the morning mucus and accepted the coffee from Brian, taking as sip as she sat up in bed.

"Where's the other two?" She asked into her cup.

"Masky's in his room getting his crowbar and Toby's outside with some others sharpening his hatchets."

(Y/N) nodded and sipped her coffee again before leaning forward onto Brian's shoulder.

"I don't think I'm ready," she muttered.

He placed a kiss on top of her head before resting his cheek on top of it.

"I'm not either."

(Y/N) sighed, taking another sip.

"Coffee," She whispered in a raspy voice.

Brian laughed and stood up, (Y/N)'s nose still buried in her cup. Holding out his hand, he helped her out of bed and down the hall.

There was a small group of people in the living room, either sitting in armchairs or on the floor, some drinking coffee and smoothies, others eating a hearty breakfast as well. Eyeless Jack seemed to be the center of attention, his eye sockets wide and his hands moving every which way to emphasize his words. Hoodie sat (Y/N) on the couch and took her empty cup from her, disappearing into the kitchen.

"Mornin'," Ben muttered, his cheek resting in his palm as he listened to Jack speak.

(Y/N) returned the greeting before asking,

"What's going on?"

"Hoodie didn't tell you?" Ben asked, "Before every battle, we tell scary stories to each other. I don't know when it started, but it's tradition."

(Y/N) nodded and smiled, turning her attention back to Jack, who had just finished his last story.

"Jack! Jack!" Sally cried out, "Tell the one about Luanne! I like that one."

Jack seemed to smile and took a deep breath.

"Over in the depths of Louisiana, there lived a woman. Her name was Luanne, and she lived with her husband by the swamp. Luanne's husband didn't treat her well, and she was wearing thin from the conditions. But, she would never leave, as she abided by the Bible and also knew that if she left, her husband's truck would be gunning after her. But tonight he's sleeping peacefully, so Luanne plucked the kitchen cleaver. Very carefully, she tip-toed to his tied up Labrador and cut the rope. She started to cry out to her husband, 'Your dog's got out!' While her husband was distracted, she hoisted up her shirt's hem and made for the bog. She didn't even look back, just thought of her home in heaven if only she could make it to the bog. And made it she did. Luanne finally escaped."

Sally had a huge smile on her face as she quietly clapped her hands.

"Alrighty kiddo, that's it," Jack said, "Go ahead and get your breakfast."

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