"I'm an airplane! Wooooosh!"
Sally laughed as Toby ran around the room with her on his back. Today was the day that he was supposed to babysit her, and for (Y/N) it was the worst it could've been. She had a pounding headache and was feeling quite hungry.
"Pilot Sally, where are we flying to today?" Toby asked the child on his back.
"To the kitchen!" Sally smiled, "We need to make a brownie pit stop!"
(Y/N) clutched her pained head as Toby ran into the kitchen, making loud plane sounds.
"I feel like my brain's turning to mush," she groaned to Ben, who was sitting beside her, playing on his DS.
"Tell me about it," he sighed.
Toby and Sally both ran back out of the kitchen, brownies in hand. Sally bounded up to them and placed a brownie in each of their laps.
"Thank you," Ben mumbled and ate the whole thing in two bites.
(Y/N), instead, placed hers on the end table.
"Do... do you not like brownies?" Sally asked with a pained look, "Toby and I made them ourselves."
"No, no sweetie, that's not it," (Y/N) weakly smiled, ruffling Sally's hair, "I just have a migraine and sugar makes it worse."
Sally gave her a quizzical look and asked,
"Is it your fox side? Toby told me that sometimes you need to feed it."
(Y/N) whipped around to Toby, glaring it him. He looked at her innocently with brownie crumbs all over his face.
You weren't supposed to tell her, she mouthed to him.
He just shrugged and dropped the last bit of brownie into his mouth.
"He also told me you have to hunt sometimes," Sally said, drawing (Y/N)'s attention back to her, "Do you think we could go hunting?"
(Y/N) gripped her knees to keep from killing Toby, but said,
"Go ask Toby, he's the babysitter."
Sally eagerly ran over to Toby and asked,
"Can we take (Y/N) hunting? Please, please, pleaseeee?"
Toby looked over at (Y/N) and then back at Sally, who was clinging to his sleeve and giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Pweety pwease?"
"Arg, fine," he sighed, "I can't say no to that face."
Sally cheered and grabbed his finger, dragging him outside.
"Wait wait! Let me get my shoes!" Toby cried out.
(Y/N) walked through the forest, shotgun in hand with Toby and Sally trailing behind her. Along the way, they both would pick out flowers to make little flower crowns, encouraging each other now and then about how they were doing well.
"(Y/N) look!" Sally cried out, pointing out into the trees, "A deer!"
She was right, a few yards away was a doe grazing the tender grass of the forest floor.
"Wow," Sally sighed, a smile on her face.
They stood there for a moment before Sally bent down to pick a clover.
"Toby, cover her eyes please," (Y/N) said, cocking her gun.
"Aw, come on (Y/N). She's seen worse," Toby shrugged.

Experiment| Hoodie x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) has finally gotten what she had always dreamed of, a family. But with every up, there is a down. Watch as she starts friendships (and maybe more) while being hunted by the world's most powerful demon. I do not own any of the characters...