Acquaintace Pt.2: The Bike

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ShadAmy (Friends or lovers, you decide)


A/N: I need to start thinking on a title for this story.


"A-a-agent Sh-Sh-Shadow?"


The new agent gulped, "Your assistance is required at the commander's office."

Shadow nodded and the agent ran away. Shadow didn't mean to scare the guy, but it low-key made him feel good whenever that happened.

He walked throw the corridors he knew very well, all black and although he was alright with the choice of colors, something different once in a while would be nice.

He knocked on the door of the Commander and it automatically opened.

"Take a seat, agent Shadow." The commander said as he pointed at the chair in front of him.

"No, need, just give me the details of the mission and Team Dark will be on its way," Shadow responded as he crossed his arms.

"This is not about Team Dark."

"A solo mission then?"

"No, it's not about a mission." The commander then was fast to turn on the plasma TV that was in his office. An image of a red bird boy appeared on it.

"Do you know who this is?" the Commander asked Shadow.

"Never seen him."

"Really? He stated that a month ago you beat him up and left him hanging on a light pole."

Shadow stood quiet as he stared into the Commander's eyes. There was a silence between them until the Commander spoke again.

"Did you beat him? Agent Shadow?"

No response.

"Agent Shadow!"

"I don't know! If I could remember every guy I beat up, I would be a millionaire." Shadow responded.

"Agent Shadow..." the Commander sighed, "You are a millionaire."

"Oh, right."

"Look, this boy is the son of one of the investors of G.U.N., he pays for 7% percent of G.U.N's expenses." the Commander added, "We can't afford to lose him."

"That was a month ago, why is he complaining about it now?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know and I don't care. My apologies, Agent Shadow, but I am required to give you a punishment."




"And that's how Shadow lost his motorcycle."

"Wow, I feel bad for him," Amy said as she looked at her feet. They were currently at Rouge's apartment, getting ready for Amy's dates.

"Well, he kinda deserved it. That will teach him to control himself...He can't just go around punching people." Said Rouge as she cut Amy's hair.

"Yeah but...Shadow really likes his bike, doesn't he?"

"Absolutely, there's nothing or anyone he cares about but that motorcycle of his."

Amy sighed, she remembers making arrangements with Lucas, the red bird who harassed her a month ago. Lucas agreed to not say anything about Shadow to G.U.N if Amy went on dates with him.

And she agreed, she didn't want to put Shadow in any trouble. However, she couldn't do it any longer. The guy was just a jerk and stupid. It comes to show why no girl would date him unless they were obliged to.

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