Intimate Friends: Pt.1: Recovery

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Shadow wasn't doing good.

To Amy, that was more than obvious. She didn't think he was going to take the 'live with me' so seriously. Amy thought that he was going to stay only a couple of weeks until he found a better place to live.

This is Shadow we are talking about after all.

He wouldn't want to live in an old rusty building, and although Amy enjoyed very much his company, she was starting to get annoyed at him.

Annoyed at the fact that he was bringing in females to his dorm at night.

Amy knew that Shadow was hurting and badly and this was his way to cope with Maria leaving him.

Going out Chaos knows where and sleeping with as many girls as possible.

Amy wouldn't have minded at all at the beginning, Shadow was a male hedgehog after all and he had his needs like everyone.

However, this wasn't the beginning.

Amy liked Shadow way too much to see him going out with other girls. Jealousy will overtake her and made her avoid him at all costs.

She preferred to give a blind eye than to see Shadow with other girls simply because it pained her.

Amy laid in her bed, as she watched the moon from her window. It was 4 a.m. and she could hear giggles coming from the other room where Shadow resided.

Female giggles.

She didn't know why she was keeping up with this.

Oh yeah, it was because she loved him.


"Shadow, I don't want to intrude but, if you want to have fun with your friends, there's plenty of hotels out there." Amy added, "Please be considerate, I live here too and um ... I hear everything."

Amy was in Shadow's dorm, it wasn't anything like his apartment but it still had that wet soil smell to it. His room was clean and organized unlike hers.

She was expecting him to be embarrassed or at least show some type of shame but instead, she met calm eyes.

"I'll try my best." He said.

Amy sighed, she can't threaten him to kick him out of the Resistance. She just didn't have the heart nor the energy to deal with that.

She gave him a smile which he returned, feeling relieved that his friend seemed to have forgiven him.

"Anyways, where do you go every night?" Asked Amy, she was about to take a seat on his bed but decided not and with a disgusted look she moved to a dining chair.

"I go drinking to get drunk."

Shadow rolled his eyes in amusement as he watched Amy. Did she believe that he didn't wash his bedsheets?

"I thought you didn't like drinking alcohol."

"Well, I don't exactly drink alcohol."

Amy gave him a confused look, which Shadow enjoyed very much

"You can't get drunk if you don't drink alcohol," said Amy.

"Yes, you can."


Shadow then pointed to a green large bottle. To Amy, it looked like a champagne or vodka bottle. But even so, it didn't make much sense to her. To her knowledge, Shadow couldn't get drunk even if he tried. His body would detoxify rapidly and the effect would last a few minutes.

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