Close Friends: Pt.1: Alone Kisses

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   It began to rain as soon as Amy arrived at the Resistance. It has been a long day, she had a new job that required most of her night time. It was busy around the day but not as busy at night. She was adjusting well to her night shifts but she had to admit that not sleeping properly got the best of her.

She had to wake up early tomorrow too, she needed the extra cash, so she took on more shifts.

She didn't get enough time to tell Shadow that there was no way she was going to accept the restaurant he gave her.

Even if he asked her to take it as a favor, she was going to deny it.

She finished showering, brushing her teeth and hair and finally, she was going to get some sleep. She closed her eyes, expecting her to fall asleep immediately.

But that didn't happen, her mind was still trapped by that memory.


"So you are Maria, good thing you are here so I can-"

Amy was cut off as she felt a strong hand being placed on her right shoulder. Shadow wasn't looking at her directly but his eyes were aimed at the attractive blonde hedgehog. Amy knew it right there and then ... Shadow's eyes had a soft look, one that she had never seen. The fire in them had revived the moment their eyes met and Amy was terrified at the thought that Shadow was right.

He still loved her.

"Leave us," Shadow softly said. His voice sounded soft but at the same time firm. His message was clear, he was demanding for Amy to leave, but he didn't want to be rude about it either.

Amy couldn't do much, there were so many things that she wanted to say ... but she needed to save all of her thoughts for later.

She pushed Shadow's hand away, a bit hurt that he had to take Maria's side. She didn't take it personally, she knew that the couple needed to talk but it still pained her see the look that Shadow gave her.

"I'll see you later,"

And she left.


It has been a week now and she hasn't seen Shadow at all. She asked Rouge and Omega, but they said that since that day; they haven't seen him.

Amy went as far as to ask G.U.N's Commander if he knew information about her black hedgehog friend.

"He is taking a small break."

That's all he said to her. She looked for him everywhere, his house, which was empty. The park, restaurants, and places he had been seen at. Amy began to worry and it angered her that nobody really cared to know about his whereabouts either.

"Don't worry too much about him," Rouge added, "Shadow tends to disappear from time to time ... He just needs to cool off after what happened,"

Amy was at Rouge's house, thinking the one she could go to was the bat. She knew Shadow for the longest time, and if anyone knew about his weird behaviors, it was her.

"Will he come back?" Amy said as she looked at her cup of tea, her reflection showed her sadness.

"Of course, he left his favorite bike here ... Shadow would never leave forever without his bike." Rouge added, "Which reminds me, yesterday, we received the bike you gave Shadow."

"What? But Maria had it last time."

Rouge, who was sitting on the couch looked over at the small stand next to her. She opened a small box that was on top of it and she showed her DR's keys.

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