Intimate Friends: Pt.6: Maybe Jealous

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It was three in the afternoon and Rouge wasn't content when someone came knocking in her apartment's door. It was one of her few days off and being a bat in modern-day society was difficult. She had to go against her primal instincts of sleeping during the day so she could keep her job. So whenever she had a day off, she made sure to sleep thoroughly.

The knocking became stronger and if Rouge didn't know better, she could tell by the knocking who it was.

A very impatient black and red hedgehog.

A half-asleep Rouge walked slowly to her door, knowing well that the black one couldn't get any angrier. She opened the door and Shadow stormed in.

"Where is Amy?" Shadow asked as he looked around her apartment. Strangely enough, Amy's scent wasn't predominant as before.

"I've been fine, thank you," Rouge said sarcastically. She rubbed her eyes as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming from her windows.

"I little have not time to be nice," Shadow said again, he began to panic when he didn't see the pink in the agent's apartment. "Where is Amy?"

"Then, you must never have the time to be nice," Rouge replied. "She's not here. She went on a field trip with Sonic, they should be back tomorrow night."

"What? Where did they go?"

"I don't know, Amy didn't tell me because apparently, Sonic wanted to surprise her."

Rouged watched Shadow sigh heavily as he placed his right hand on his forehead. Showing his frustration.

"She doesn't answer her phone." Shadow hissed at of anger.

"Sonic won't either ... They don't want to be bothered, so they turned off all of their communication devices." Rouged looked over at his teammate. She knew that there was something he wasn't telling her. "Now tell me, what is going on?"

Shadow didn't want Rouge to be involved with the stupidity he was about to make. However, he did realize that her help might be needed.

That and that he trusted Rouge with her decisions.

Shadow sat down on the Rouge's sofa and with a stern look, he began to tell her the story.


"You can't arrest her! You have no proof-"

    The Commander stood up from his seat and walked towards Shadow. From his desk, he grabbed a file and opened it.

"In your report, you wrote, "I found the Resistance burnt down, nothing was left of it." The Commander said and looked up to Shadow. "That is proof that Amy wanted to burn down all proof of her doings to prevent us from arresting her."

"That doesn't make any sense!" said Shadow.

"It doesn't? Our Team of Investigations say that no one was inside the building when the accident occurred. Of the 7 agents there ... Don't you think that's too much of a coincidence?"

"That is-"   

    The Commander interrupted Shadow again.

"The investigation team also found the remainings of a plant, 'Silent Princess," The Commander added. "And according to your report ... this is the flower who helped Tails the Fox wake up from his sleep in Twinkle Star Village."

    There was a heavy silence in the room. The Commander knew that Shadow wasn't still fully convinced. His eyes still show determination and in one last hope to get him he said,

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