Chapter 3

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 Newly Wed ch 3

Amber having finished her breakfast knew what her decision had to be. Just then Victoria entered the study.

"So little girl have you come to a decision" Amber glared at the woman standing in front of her." Yes give me the F_____g paper and I will sign it."

Victoria was elated but she did not show it. " Young lady if you have anymore curse words you would like to use I suggest you do it now. Because once you sign the paper, I don't want to hear anymore of that trash from your mouth. If I do you will find sitting very difficult I promise you.

Amber thought hard about this statement. Was this bitch talking about spanking me? How F______g old does she think I am. "Listen bitch I will sign the paper but you better not lay a f_____g hand on me."

Victoria grabbed the girl by the chin and held it up looking straight in to her eyes. " I assure you little girl I will spank your bottom bright red each and every time you need it. No matter where we are or what we are doing. Is that perfectly clear! Now sign the paper or get the hell out."

For a moment Amber had and almost defeated air about her. She slowly reached for the pen Victoria offered and signed the paper. Victoria looked at the signature and enjoyed her victory for a moment. Thinking to herself she should have been a poker player. Then looking at the signature even harder she noticed how child like Amber's handwriting was.

" Amber dear did you finish school?" " Yep yep I got up one day and never went back I was finished Amber laughed." Victoria asked many more questions finding out that Amber's mother died when she was ten. Amber told Victoria how her father was a drunk and disappeared when she was twelve. Amber went on to speak of her stint in foster care. Eight different foster homes in two years.

One day Amber just had enough and hit the streets.

Amber went on to tell Victoria how a fake id had gotten her a job dancing at seventeen she did that till she met Greg. Victoria carefully wrote down Amber's maiden name date of birth and other vital information. She then called the housekeeper Claire into the study.

" Amber I believe you met Claire yesterday. From now on you will address her as Ms Claire. I expect you to mind her as you would me. I am giving her full permission to punish you as she sees fit. Claire take the child upstairs and give her a proper bath And wash her hair."

Before Amber could say a word Ms Claire had her by the hand dragging her upstairs. Ms Claire was a gray haired heavyset woman probably in her early fifties. She was not as tall as Victoria but probably even stronger thought Amber.

When they got up the stairs they entered one of the bedrooms. Claire dragging Amber along took her straight into the bathroom. But Amber still got a quick look at the room. It was purple and full of stuffed animals and toys. Amber thought was that a crib I saw.

The bathroom was also a light purple even the sink tub and toilet. Amber asked Ms Claire what is that attached at the top of the toilet.

"That's your potty training seat dear do you need to go potty?' " If I did how would I get on it laughed Amber!" Ms Claire just smiled at Amber "When you need to go potty you ask either me or Becky or Ms Victoria to help you."

Why did this not surprise Amber as the woman started filling the tub then turned and began undressing the girl. When she got the jeans pulled down to Amber's ankles she remarked. " Good lord child you smell just like the bed you slept in last night!" Amber without thinking said " it was Greg he did it I just woke up lying in it."  Ouch ouch yelled Amber as Ms Claire gave the girl two quick slaps to her behind.

Amber rubbed her butt as Ms Claire chastised the girl for lying. "Mr. Gregory quit bed wetting when he was eighteen, now you see what happens to little girls that lie. Next time I will not be so easy on you." Ms Claire then turned off the water and checked the temp with her elbow.

The tub was a waist high tub with steps to get in. Amber reasoned seeing the tub it was so the one giving the bath did not have to bend over. "Ok in you go," said Ms Claire as Amber stepped toward the step. Ms Claire scooped her up under her armpits and lifted her easily into the tub. She added a little bubble bath and then dumped a box of bath toys in the tub.

Amber fingered at a small boat while enduring the humiliation of being bathed. After her hair and main body were done she noticed Ms Claire spraying some foam on her small patch of pubic hair. With one swift stroke of a razor it was Amber's last trace of woman hood. Amber was then placed on her knees and had her privates washed. This was extremely embarrassing, what was this woman doing to my butt hole Amber wondered.

When the bath was over Claire stood Amber up and wrapped her in a large towel then lifted her from the tub and placed the girl on her hip. Amber feeling the need to pee asks if she could go potty.

Ms Claire sat her down and finished toweling the girl off then lifted her on her potty chair. Placing the safety strap around Amber's waist she told the girl she would be right back Amber sat there a minute and then peed. She usually had to poop this time of day but that was not working. Amber wondered if it had anything to do with her not having her morning coffee.

Ms Claire came back in and asked Amber if she was done. Amber nodded then spread her legs while Ms Claire wiped her and then wiped her again with a baby wipe. Amber was then carried back into the bedroom and sat on a towel in front of a chair. Ms Claire gave Amber two barbie dolls to play with while she blow-dried and brushed Amber's hair.

For some reason Amber removed the clothes from both dolls. Thinking to her if she had to be naked they did too. After her hair had been dried and placed in two ponytails, Amber was finally being dressed. First came a pair of very very thick cotton panties with barbie dolls on them. A yellow t shit and a pair of yellow shortalls followed this. Yellow ribbons were tied in her ponytails and a pair of white socks with yellow lace and clean white tennis shoes finished the package.

Ms Claire instructed Amber to play in her room. She told the girl that the gate would be closed and locked. This was to remind Amber to stay put. Amber asked if she could watch TV and Ms Claire said certainly.

Alone at last thought Amber as the housekeeper left. Amber turned on the television and started surveying the room. The room had a large crib and a table. When Amber realized what the table was for she covered her face with her hands. What have I gotten myself into?

Changing the channels as fast as she could Amber soon realized the television only had six channels. " This f_____g thing is broke, " exclaimed Amber. Just as she said that Amber realized it was a blocked TV blocked to everything but children's stations. Amber stated to say something else but she then saw Victoria.

"What did I hear you say young lady? " Moments later a bawling kicking and screaming girl lay across Victoria's lap. Getting the daylights spanked out of her. Amber felt so small with her shortalls on the floor and her panties around her ankles. The sting in her butt was not small though it hurt it hurt so badly. She begged and pleaded please Mrs. Adams please stop the girl cried over and over please stop.

Finally after what seemed like eternity it was over. Actually it had only been about twenty spanks. Amber was lifted from Victoria's lap and carried to the corner. Where she was placed on a little stuffed chair, in the future Amber would refer to it as the punishment chair. Sitting there with no panties on a red butt and still crying. Amber was instructed to face the wall and only the wall she was to sit in this chair till I come back. Amber nodded her understanding and continued crying.

" And another thing little girl. In the future I am not to be referred to as bitch Vic Victoria or Ms Adams. I am your mommy now and that is how I wish to be addressed. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD"?

Still whimpering and crying Amber spoke as she nodded her head.

"Yes mommy I understand." 

The Newly Wed by Kenk7usWhere stories live. Discover now