Chapter 5

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 The Newly Wed ch 5

Amber awoke the next morning rested and refreshed. The first thing she noticed was the bed was dry. How ever her diaper was not

She was soaked and her diaper was beginning to itch. She looked at the clock on the wall of the nursery five forty five in the morning. A grin came over Amber's face, two can play at this game.

" Mommy I am awake and my diaper is wet, can I get up now please," yelled Amber from her crib.

Victoria rolled over and looked at the clock. She got out of bed put her glasses on then stepped into her slippers. She walked down the hall to the nursery slowly trying to wake up.

As she walked in the nursery she spotted Amber smiling pacifier in mouth looking over the crib railing. "Good morning Mommy Amber wants to get up now." Still trying to wake up Victoria said good morning to her baby girl.

She lifted Amber from the crib and carried the soaked girl to the changing table. She removed the soaked diaper and cleaned the girl's privates. She then placed Amber on her potty and told her to try and make poo poo. Victoria then headed to the kitchen for coffee.

Amber sat there and giggled after Victoria had left. Thinking how Mommy could hardly keep her eyes open. A few minutes later Victoria returned carrying a cup of coffee and a bottle of Milk for Amber.

She tried to sound enthusiastic as she wiped the girl and bragged on how well she had done her business. But it was just to damn early in the morning for enthusiasm.

Helping the girl step into her training pants she picked her up and carried her to the chair. Letting Amber lie there in her lap and nurse her bottle while she drank her coffee. She knew the girl was hungry but Becky would not be into cook breakfast until seven thirty. Claire who was the only live in domestic was visiting her sister for the weekend.

Later that morning Amber was still in her nursery watching cartoons and playing with her dolls. Amber did not understand why she enjoyed this so much. As a child Amber never had any dolls or toys for that matter.

"Amber" said Mommy as she entered the nursery. "It is much to pretty outside for you to stay inside." Asking Amber if she needed to go potty first, she dressed Amber in a playsuit and carried her down stairs.

Amber could not have been more surprised to see two children playing in the playground. A boy about six and a girl maybe a little older were running around the back yard. " Who are they? " asked Amber Victoria explained they were neighbor children. Victoria had always left the side gate open so they could play here. It was so much safer than the street.

The side gate open, what about me naked in the pool yesterday, thought Amber? About that time the children ran up and were introduced to Amber. With a pat on her butt Amber was sent to play with them

After a slow start Amber began having fun. More children showed up later all ages ranging from five to ten boys and girls combined. They played a game of dodge ball then played tag Amber was lost in a children's world and enjoying it, until reality struck.

Then Mommy came out side and told the children it was time for them to go home for lunch. She told them all they were welcome to come back and play with Amber after her naptime. Amber waved goodbye to all her friends.

She turned to walk inside for lunch. When Mommy spoke" Amber come here baby girl" Amber skipped over to Mommy happily. Mommy confirmed with a touch at what she suspected had happened. "Young lady you have soaked your underpants" Amber turned red with embarrassment she had not even realized it until Mommy said something.

Mommy picked the now crying girl up and carried her inside. Laying her on the changing table she popped in her pacifier to calm her. Then started removing the wet play suite and diaper. While she was cleaning the girl she looked Amber in the eyes. Then picking up one of Ambers diapers said "young lady I don't think you are ready for training pants yet."

"Your crazy Amber screamed spitting out the pacifier" as she kicked out her feet just missing Victoria. What happened after was kind of a blur. Amber was kicking and cursing up a storm. Victoria was just trying to get her hands on her. Finally Victoria got her hands on amber shaking the girl and screaming at her "Stop it."

Amber froze and did just that suddenly she was terrified. Mommy scooped her up and carried the now crying girl to the chair. She gave the pleading and crying girl thirty smacks hard on her bare behind Then Mommy diapered the girl and carried her down stairs for lunch.

Amber was very upset lying in her crib supposedly taking her nap. Becky had rocked her and gave Amber her nap bottle. Becky had tried hard actually showing compassion for the girl to try to get her to sleep. Amber had not seen Mommy sense she turned Amber over to Becky for lunch.

What was this lady thinking making me wear diapers full time. This was terrible. I was just starting to enjoy myself. Being a little girl and taken care of was not so bad. But Amber did not want to be a baby. Then another fright hit her, what if Mommy is really mad and kicks me out. I did try hard to kick her. Something that Mommy had reminded her of during the spanking Amber tossed and turned and then drifted off to sleep.

Amber awoke from her nap and her nightmare crying. She had dreamed that she was homeless on the streets again with wet pants.

She was crying and screaming over and over " Mommy Mommy Mommy."

Victoria walked in the nursery quickly and picked the girl up. Holding her on her hip she walked her around the room trying to calm her. She stopped and picked up the girls pacifier and put it in her mouth. Slowly Amber quit crying and Victoria sat down in her big chair and asked Amber why she was so upset.

The still shaken girl told her Mommy all about her horrible dream. When she was finished Mommy replaced the pacifier in her mouth and smiled at the girl. Amber was never happier than to see that smile. Victoria went on to tell Amber that she loved her very much, and considered Amber the daughter she never had. She told the girl that even if something happened to Greg or there marriage she would still be Mommies girl. She then told Amber that she was still putting her back in diapers full time for at least a year.

Victoria went on to explain that the changes in Amber's life were enough stress to deal with along with her future schooling. She would no longer have potty trips to worry about for now. Amber would wear and use her diapers for their intended purpose. Amber was also told when at home or in her playground she would not wear anything over her diaper unless it got cold. That way she and the staff could tell when the baby in the family needed changing.

Amber sat there in Mommies lap and listened not saying a word. When Mommy finished she was quiet still for a while just sucking on her pacifier? A few moments later Amber whispered to her Mommy did she have to make poopy in her diaper. Victoria told her she would be allowed one trip on her potty a day when she chose too. Other than that or when they were away from the house Amber would just have to use her diapers. She also told Amber that she intended to keep it a secret from no one that Amber was her diapered baby girl.

Amber had to be given a little shove to go back outside and play with her new friends. She was now wearing just her diaper t-shirt and tennis shoes. Her pacifier was pinned to the shirt with a ribbon. Amber was slow to join in the games at first. The kids all had questioning looks on their faces. But not a one mentioned her diaper or teased her. Soon they resumed there games and after a while Amber sat alone in the sandbox digging at the sand with a shovel and pondering all that had happened in just three days. Wondering what embarrassment she was in for next. Just then a red headed girl named Kerry came over and tugged at her hand, "come on Amber were going to play hide and seek and your it."

Facing a tree hands over her eyes Amber tried her best to count too a hundred finally yelling "one hundred and saying here I come!"

The Newly Wed by Kenk7usWhere stories live. Discover now