Chapter 4

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 The Newly Wed ch 4

While a well punished young Amber was sitting sniffling in her punishment chair. Victoria was busy doing some research. She had located some records on Amber's school days. It seems when Amber was in seventh grade she had been tested as having the reading and math skills of a third grader. Victoria even spoke to a couple of Amber's old teachers. They both said that Amber was bright enough but just got so far behind that she never caught up.

Victoria decided that Amber was going to be reschooled. With a very rushed curriculum, she would hire a tutor to home school the girl through Middle school. Then enroll the girl in a private girls high school. First she needed to get Amber out of the corner.

Victoria walked quietly into Amber's nursery. Finding the small girl sitting right wear she left her. Victoria let her out of the corner and began redressing a very quiet Amber. She then told Amber of her plan. Amber did not say a word her butt was still much to sore. She then left Amber to play in her nursery telling the girl lunch would be soon.

Amber watched TV and fiddled with some toys lying around the room. She wondered what home schooling would be like. That did not bother her as much as the thought of going to high school again. She then realized that she had to pee. She started to the bathroom but then remembered Claire's warning and the potty seat.

Looking around the room she noticed the child monitor. So that's how Greg's mom heard her. Trying to mind her manners she spoke into the monitor. " I need to go potty please" Moments later Becky walked into the room. She was Ms Claire's assistant.

Becky introduced her self and took Amber by the hand. Becky was maybe twenty-two or three. Brown hair brown eyes and about five feet five maybe one hundred twenty pounds.

No way was she picking me up thought Amber. But this was still embarrassing a girl not much older than Amber taking off her shortalls pulling down her panties and helping her on the potty seat.

Once on the potty seat and strapped in Amber peed then what she was not expecting happened. As she pooped in the potty she blushed just thinking about the clean up. Becky returned and notices the smell. " Awe did the lil one make a poopy too good girl" she said in a mocking tone.

She wiped wear she had peed first then helped her off the potty bent her over and wiped her butt. Amber had a tear in her eye she was so totally humiliated. Becky was enjoying herself making comments about what a big mess such a little girl had made. She more than took her time with the clean up

Then she pulled up the girl's panties and refastened her shortalls. As Amber returned to the nursery, Becky asked her if she needed anything else. Amber said a coke would be nice. Becky left and returned with some grape juice in a sippy cup as she handed it to Amber she said "what do you say little girl." Amber lowered her eyes and said " thank you Ms Becky."

Becky left the nursery with a smile on her face. She had been a little upset when she had been told she would be required as part of her duties to treat a eighteen year old married woman as a little girl. In reality it was turning out to be a lot of fun.

Meanwhile Victoria was lining up interviews for prospective tutors for Amber. She had contacted a service and had four interviews that very afternoon.

Victoria stood in the doorway of the nursery not believing what she was seeing. Amber was by the dollhouse quietly playing with it and some dolls. Amber sensed someone's presence and turned to see Victoria. The woman held out her arms and smiled. "Come to Mommy sweetie its time for some lunch." Amber stood up and walked straight into Mommy's arms. She was quickly placed on her hip and carried downstairs to the dinning room.

The Newly Wed by Kenk7usWhere stories live. Discover now