Chapter 6

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 The Newly Wed ch 6

Amber awoke in her crib and looked at the clock. It was almost seven thirty am, Sunday morning thought Amber.

The girl looked for her pacifier and thought about why she had slept so late. Mommy had let her stay up and watch a movie. It was even Mommies idea. Amber giggled and popped the pacifier in her mouth guess Mommy don't like those six o'clock wake up calls.

Just then Ms Becky entered Amber's nursery with a sincere friendly smile on her face. Amber and Becky said hello to each other and Becky helped the girl out of her crib and took her by the hand to the changing table.

After helping the girl onto the changing table she removed her plastic panties and her wet diaper. 

Once Becky had Amber's privates all clean she began playing with the baby girl. Becky tickled Amber and blew kisses on her belly. Amber was giggling like a banshee wiggling and squirming begging Becky to quit.

"Everything ok in here," said Victoria standing in the doorway of the Nursery. " Mommy Mommy shouted Amber no Ms Becky is trying to tickle me to death." Victoria smiled at Becky and walked to the changing table .She leaned over and kissed her baby girl good morning.

"Lets get my baby diapered and some breakfast in her Becky then she needs a bath and dressed for church"

After being spoon-fed a bowl of oatmeal and given some toast and jelly. Becky gave Amber her morning bottle. Becky smiled down at the eighteen-year-old girl whose head was lying on her lap. Amber smiled back as she nursed and finished her bottle.

Amber tested Becky's patience during the bath splashing the water and not really cooperating at all. Becky could hardly recognize the hateful girl that had moved here cussing and screaming just a few days ago. Now she seemed more interested in her bath toys than anything in the world. Becky finally pulled Amber up on her knees and smacked her butt twice."Owwwww" yelled the girl, she saw Becky raise her hand again, and "no more I am good. "  Amber behaved better the rest of her bath and Becky was able to finish. Becky thought to herself the little chit was testing me.

Becky looked at the clock as she finished drying the once again diapered Amber's hair. Just as she finished Amber asked if she could have her potty time now. Becky helped Amber out of her diaper and onto her potty and strapped her in place. Leaving the girl to do her business she went to find Ms Victoria to see what she wanted Amber to wear to church.

A few minutes later Amber was once again on the changing table. After Becky had diapered her she put a pair of snap on pink plastic ruffled panties on the girl. A training bra and pink ankle socks with red trim followed.

Amber cringed a little when she saw the dress she would be wearing. It was pink with red colored lace at the sleeves hem and around the waist and collar. It was a very pretty dress thought Amber if I was two. Once she put the dress on the girl Amber began to get really nervous, sucking hard on her pacifier as she looked in the mirror. The dress with the puffy sleeves did not even cover half of her diapered butt.

Amber started to panic and say something when Mommy entered the nursery carrying three pink ribbons. Mommy was dressed in a beautiful white dress with pink polka dots. She was wearing pink high heels and was fully made up. Amber thought to herself what a striking woman her new Mommy was I bet she turned some heads in her day.

Victoria told Becky that she would finish Amber's hair. She then excused Becky to go get ready for her own church. Mommy explained to Amber that Becky was of a different faith, and attended a different church.

Mommy fixed Amber's hair in two ponies on top of her head. Then tied a bow with the ribbons in each ponytail.

The third ribbon was tied to a brand new pink pacifier and pinned to Amber's dress with a pink diaper pin.

Why though Amber am I not surprised as Mommy buckled her into her brand new car seat. Mommy then explained to Amber she forgot something and would be right back. Mommy came back out of the house carrying a pink diaper bag "Baby Amber" was stenciled on the side of it in red.

When they arrived at the church Mommy helped Amber out of the car seat and placed Amber on her hip. With Mommies hand under her butt pushing her dress up Amber new everyone could see her diaper. Mommy reached for the diaper bag and her purse and headed for the church.

Mommy stopped to say hi to several people introducing Amber as her new baby girl. Amber just kept her head buried in Mommies chest and sucked on her pacifier.

Soon Mommy proceeded but not towards the church but towards another building. There were small classrooms even Amber new this was Sunday school. But Mommy took Amber to a room down the hall.

The moment they entered the room Amber started crying " Please Mommy please don't leave me here. Whhhhhhhhhhh whhhhhhhhh." Amber cried. Mommy sat down on a chair and placed Amber in her lap. Grabbing her chin she looked the girl in the eyes. " Is Mommy going to have to spank you right here right now."

Amber shook her head no and tried hard to stop her sobbing. She then took a good look around the Nursery. Mommy turned Amber over to one of the two Nursery School teachers and gave her Amber's diaper bag. She then kissed Amber and told her to behave. " I will be back to get you as soon as church is over baby girl Mommy don't want no bad reports." Amber leaned forward and kissed her Mommy " I be good girl Mommy I promise" Amber lisped through her pacifier.

Amber joined the other toddlers on the play rug, and checked out the two teachers. They were both way taller than Amber but neither could be a day over sixteen.

For the first part of Nursery School the children were allowed to play with the plentiful toys on the play rug. One of the teachers brought a wetsie doll to Amber so she would have something.

Then they were gathered together and calmed down and read a children's bible story. The story was very nice and Amber paid very good attention. Something the other toddlers had to be reminded several times to do.

After the story they were taken outside to the playground. Amber was stopped at the door by one of the teachers so she could check her diaper. Amber was wet

She was taken to the changing table and lifted up.

Amber could not believe this girl was about to change her just then the girl returned with Amber's bag.

Amber just squeezed her eyes shut and sucked on her pacifier, trying to live though yet another humiliation.

Soon it was all over and Amber joined the other children outside all fresh and clean. She played on the swing not wanting to get her dress dirty in the sandbox.

Finally Church was over and Mommy came to fetch her. Mommy asked one of the teachers if her baby girl had behaved. She was assured that Amber was the most behaved baby they had. She was also informed that Amber had been changed. Mommy smiled at Amber as she put her purse in Amber's diaper bag and put the bag over her shoulder She then picked up Amber and headed outside.

Mommy said goodbye to several people on the way out each time insisting that Amber wave bye bye to them.

Once in the car Mommy asked Amber what she would like for lunch. Amber said how about McDonalds. Amber ate her happy meal and was finished before Mommy. Mommy told not asked Amber to go play in the play land until Mommy was finished. Amber did as she was told with out hesitation. Soon she was crawling up and down the tubes having a ball. Not even thinking why she was enjoying this so much.

The Newly Wed by Kenk7usWhere stories live. Discover now