truth in prison

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I went to my room with a very confused mind and slept as I had a very long day...

I woke up and changed into a blue glittery gown with a flame-shaped design and sleevehands, high blue heels. I came to the hall. the whole people of utopia are gathered outside the castle and they can see us from a telecasting. I was about to be crowned... the people seeing me as a new princess, its kind of cool to have that experience but I know deep down the queen is plotted to kill me and nobody really likes me here because according to them, iam an evil queen's daughter. then everyone is struck at a second when a new person entered the palace... I turned to see who is that.

iam Isabel avery the princess of utopia, she is a fake one.

what the...

everyone is shocked even the queen Eleanor and Luther.

who the hell are you, iam going to be the princess of utopia. but nobody can believe who is true because she is looking like me, exactly like me as a copy in the same dress. maybe she's the one Tyler saw yesterday instead of me.

"IF I want to prove you we can have a dual," she said.

that's cool because iam going to win Iam having more powers.

the golden light started flashing and bright spread all over the place and I was knocked out. I attacked her back with my powers and the whole hall is started to burn and iam burning inside and out. I would have won but she spoke a spell closing her eyes tightly and whispered it and when I tried to attack there's a protection all around her. then I was thrown by her. I got hit by the portrait which fell on me.i was about to faint but iam not giving up. my head is paining from the thing fallen on me.

"the dual's enough she is Isabel put the other one in prison, but we still have to figure out where this fake one came from"

ohh no, she is not true,iam but how can I prove friends also don't know about that they are stuck in the same place.

"let me go, iam the true one leave me alone" I shouted but they dragged me out of there.

am I really going to prison, I can't believe it. the gone soo long and gone downstairs and hell I have reached the prison I think. I don't know how my power got reduced and now it's useless to fight but I will escape from here I know that. one option my friends will save me or else I will itself find a way because I still have to avenge for my parent's one can stop me, but this fake one is a burden for me to sort out the truth. the day before yesterday a fight with an unknown girl and today with another one.i do know how my life suddenly changed to a fantasy book.

there are many cells with many people and the cells are electrocuted which I already know. the ghost is still here. this time it will be cautious with me, I have already escaped once with Selena. they opened one and thrown me and the cell bars are full of electricity, more security.i was hurt by them I have to find who the hell she is? until I lose all my power is here.


"Isabel, are you okay ? are you real?" Selena asked.

"yeah, iam " replied Isabel who is pretending to be her. she was crowned me the queen and the way she saw her is full of love for the queen.


Selena and Damon are talking with princess Isabel.

"iam happy you are the same person and fought the fake one"Selena started this topic again, she doesn't feel good about that.

"yeah, iam always the strongest you know" she replied.

"hey, I love you soo much.iam soo happy that you defeated her." the fake Isabel gave a perplexing look and said I love you too. but there is meaning in her words.they both kissed and Damon left her to talk with Tyler.

Tyler joined them at the time." hey Damon, what's up".

"iam just thinking of finding the fake one and uncover her, "Damon says.

"yeah, that's what iam thinking too" Isabel intruded. Damon kept silent for a minute and talked with Tyler through his inner thoughts."Tyler can you hear me, respond something like looking back".tyler stood in the same place and turned back after a minute." now that's good, she is not our Isabel. trust me iam telling the truth we have to get Isabel from prison right now".

"okay Isabel see you later.iam just thinking of teaching Damon some skills so he can survive here," Tyler says looking straight through her casually.she  nodded and left without a word. they both walked casually until she's not in their view.

"call Regina and Selena, we are going to prison now," Damon says loudly and they both left the hall.

"its all my fault I should have found it, she's talking with me before the coronation day" Tyler added after everyone's gathering.

"Yeah that's right but you don't know her like us "Damon replied.

"you are not the one who knows about her Damon, I also care about her, "Tyler said in an angry tone.

"oh stop this please, our only job is to her and rescue her from the cell. we don't how much power she has lost in a day"told Regina.

meanwhile, in the castle, Isabel is roaming here and there and excited being in the palace. she walks there with a bright smile and pride.she crossed the queen room and she heard the queen was talking about her. she leaned and listened silently.

"Luther our planned worked well, we can wait for a month or two and kill Isabel"

"but what about the fake one, where did she come from"

"that's the thing we don't know but I don't care we can kill her too"

there's silence now.

do you have any objection, Luther?

no queen


tears in Isabel's eyes she left the room and cried in her room. I don't know what's happening but if she knows who am I she won't kill me, Isabel thought. she stood up strong and left the room with a determination.

while Selena, Damon, Regina, Tyler is gone into the cell. Tyler used some spell to put the ghost to sleep."Isabel there you are" Damon rushed into her but he can't touch the cell which is electrocuted.regina turned off the power and the electricity gone.

"Isabel are you okay, you are looking so weak," asked Selena.

"its been a day I don't have a little bit strength left with me "I replied with a weak body. then they got the cell opened and Tyler got me.iam in Tyler's hand, he's holding me still and Regina raised her hands in front of me with closed eyes, there's a light and warmness all around helps me feel better in a minute and strengthened my power. I was not even able to think of the fake one as I lost so much power. but whatever they found me.

"Okay, we can get her out of her," said Selena.

"no, I won't come" I replied. I really had no idea why I spoke like that.

"what," they all said in unison.

I will take care of myself.just do one thing .get the fake one here, so we can figure out, that's my only aim for now.

ISABEL AVERY, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN THE PALACE, ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME ..I MEAN KILL THE PRINCESS... I will accept it iam not the princess now tell me... she asked (the one who is fake).

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