A Twist in the path

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"We have been walking for hours, still no sign of Cameron," I said with frustration." can we take a  bath in the falls," Trina asked."no time for that, keep walking, "Katherine said. Trina glanced at it and screamed."hey there's someone falling".

"what" I turned, I can't see the face clearly but there are two persons on it.we are standing near it and it landed with a splash. all our dresses are soaked." no, Iam fully wet" Katherine shouted."you are an ice girl, why you hate the water"Trina asked her." no, Iam not but I don't want to be wet in middle of a mission".

"hey that's Selena" Damon yelled. I looked at them, both Selena and Ryder fully wet walking out of the water without noticing us. I called her and rushed towards her."Isabel, you found me" she screamed happily.

"I know you, brother.you will find a way," Katherine said as if she knows what will happen. everything was happening good, something flashed above the sky, it looked like a bird.no, that's not a bird, its Cameron.she is heading ahead of us.

"like her, we don't have wings, how can we go before her, "Regina says discouragingly." I know a  shortcut, that will take us fastly. remember I came here before" Katherine remembered us.

"The idea is good, but we need a backup plan," Trina said.

"A backup plan"

"yes, kai and I will go there now. you guys use the shortcut, whoever reaches fast the victory will be ours"

"it's a good idea" I know she can go anywhere without a portal. Trina got hold of kai and snapped her fingers and both of them vanished with black smoke all around us.

"let's go".

at last, we reached a never-ending lake only to see Cameron and her assistant standing there.

"where's the witch and what's this place" I yelled not understanding anything.

"the greatest witch can't be seen but she will give whatever we want through the lake"

"What, you never mentioned anything about this".I glanced at the lake again.how can I stop the queen now. the assistant stepped into the lake

"you know what to do right," Cameron said handing a knife. she nodded back and cut her palm and a few drops of blood flown in the water." no, everything's collapsed. we came late, where the hell is Trina and kai"Katherine got extremely angry.

"its time to go back to my castle" I heard Eleanor's voice. I turned back and saw a portal.' we can't go"I got afraid, the portal is trying to suck us all inside it.I stood in the same place tried not to move away. before a flash of an eye, Tyler ran straight to the portal. he pushed both of them into the portal and it's finally closed. he acted so fast and fallen on the ground.

"Tyler, wake up" I sobbed.he lost so much energy." move aside, I will heal him"Regina came and I went backward. all this happened within some moments.

"what the hell you wished"Cameron shouted and the forest itself had a terrible quake. the assistant took a small bottle with liquid and spoke: "well, you understood I am, not your assistant" she said and transformed from a grown lady to a young girl.

"Trina you did it"I shouted happily. someone came from the bushes holding a knife on Cameron's real assistant.

"if you want her, leave this place now," kai said holding the knife near her neck.the queen caught her after kai let her go.we all ran before Cameron says anything. the forest is totally trembling with her anger.

"how you did that"

"We should go now, I will tell later," Trina said.

"Selena keep this" I gave her the portion took from Trina.we held each other's hand and everything went black. the vision started to emerge and we are standing in front of Eleanor's castle.I turned and saw myself.

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