deep into the woods

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eleanor was stunned by seeing her."what are doing her,how you got out from...."eleanor stammerred and staring at her.

I got up from damon's lap."i think we should escape from her"i said to trina.we both are looking same now.i dont want her to be caught.she nodded her head and motioned others to run.i grabbed damon's hand to get steady and started running.

"GAURDS,DONT LET THEM ESCAPE.CATCH THEM"screamed eleanor soo loud.we ran straight into the enchanted forest.we dont have much options to fight now.regina,selena,tyler already reached their way to the forest.i turned while running and saw many guards to catch us.i cant let them get us.

"oh noo,my necklace"trina shouted.

"ohh trina we dont time to think about necklace"i said panting.but she looked more upset.i dont know why she cares more about that necklcace.

"GO INSIDE THE FOREST,DONT YOU ALL DARE COME BACK WITHOUT THEM"eleanor ordered them.her mother took some steps forward and took a necklace from the ground.

"whats that"eleanor asked.she looked shocked and confused seeing that.

"whats with that"

"hmm...nothing"eleanor said and kept that inside her pocket without her mom noticing.meanwhile we trying to distract the guard.but they are with full energy.they kept chasing us.suddenly trina slipped and fell.I helped her then somelight attacked the tree near us and the whole tree was about to fall.

"get up trina fast" said her and damon helped her too.fortunetly i heard a foot sound  near us.i turned all of a sudden and saw sunshine.she came from nowwhere and stopped the tree falling on us.her force was soo powerfull that the tree fell on half of the guards and we got a distraction.we gone too deep into the woods.

"i think we lost them"

"i hope soo"said damon.

"now we need a place to hide from them,what if they come again"regina asked frustrated.

"what about the place where we stayed one day"i asked trina.

"yeah,thats my house but we already got past that,we cant go back".we kept thinking in the middle of the woods.

"i think iam hearing some weird sounds in here"selena said with a worried face.

"okay,i think we can hide in the cave"i showed the direction and we ran towards it.

"i dont think thats safe"kai said.

"we dont have any options"

"yeah right"trina said and through walked right it with confident without any companion.we followed her after she left.we used our power to bring light in the dark cave.

"I THINK ITS GOING SOO LONG INSIDE"trina shouted from inside.

"we can stay here,why going inside trina"kai said in a protective tone for her girlfriend.

she gone exploring ignoring him.we followed and walked for 15minutes.

"is it a maze,its not ending,its a utter waste of time"frustatedly kai told us.but my instinct telling its worth it going inside.its soo boring walking we are talking about how i met eleanor mother and they told who they got the map.they kept the map and notes with them safely.

"guys,we reached the end"trina said.the end is fully covered with plants and vines.she gone into it.

"ahhhhh" trina screamed and we are afraid and i stepped inside the vines and fell all i found is a place inside this cave.

"EVERYONE COME HERE"i and trina stared with astounished look.its a big,vast place full of grass and tower soo old.the tower is definetly big and no way how to go inside.we all reached this hidden place.i think no one can find us.I walked towards the tower.

"do you think we can stay here"tyler asked me.

"yeah i hope soo,but first we have to find a way"

"there's no rapunzel to get us inside,how will we go"damon laughed saying that.i got a idea after he said that.i explored the bottom of the tower and moved the grey brick.

"GOTCHA"I SHOUTED HAPPILY.there's a secret passage to go inside.

"guys help me move this ".we moved it and slipped inside it one my one.i gone inside first.there's a step inside small and difficult to walk on last i reached the top panting and moved the brick on the top.i looked up.its a big one room with a big ceiling.i helped trina to come up.we both helped all to this room.

i walked towards the window and opened it.i fells like someone already living her.but who will live here on the top of the tower alone.I explored the place.its awesome and new inside and old outside.

"we can stay here for tonight guys".

"then we can solve the map and the notes"said kai and took that map from his pocket and unfolded it.then i can see someone from the behind.

"damon damon"i said his name silently pulling him towards me.

"what happened isa".before i opened my mouth.someone came behind from the cupboard.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU"a girl shouted with a big sword in her hands.selena took steps backwards by the sudden entry.

"we...we..."she stammered by seeing the sword.i took steps forward towards selena.

"what do you want?why you came here? dont you know the consequences"that girl asked all of a sudden.i dont what consequences she is mentioning.

"i dont know what you are talking but we came to hide here,nothing more"

"i dont trust you,i dont trust anyone"she said and raised her sword towards me.i dont know what to do i attacked her with my power.a golden light flashes towards her from my hands and i grabbed her sword and see thrown towards the cupboard.

"I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH IAM NOT HERE TO HURT YOU"I said and thrown the sword towards her.she took it from the floor.she stood up.

"okay fine then you came to hide here then you have to stay here forever"


"iam katherine kelly,iam staying here in this tower for an one can escape from this tower and welcome to joining me"she said with a frsutated and a wicked tone.

"what the hell are you talking..." i gone near the window and put my foot on the edge like i was about to jump from there.but at the moment i was thrown from a sudden unknown invisible force.damon caught me before i fell.

"then whatever she told is true"trina said.

"yep"she siad casually.

"well well well katherine kelly nice to meet you"i said as I dont know what to do or say.

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