queen cameron

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the queen stared at her in silence.she was amused by her entry.

"iam alive and I found the greatest witch" she spoke clutching her hands tightly.

"the greatest witch is all true. this time I want to go there"

"no, my friends needed help for a serious issue" she shuddered.

"you can't speak like this in front of me.iam doing this for our good. I will bring back light to our darkest land and going to rejoin our land and the world again after a decade of years."

"What...what are you talking my majesty.first of all we are also going to bring light all our utopia. but rejoining is not at all good.whata are you thinking. this isn't you.we will face consequences if it's done."

"you can't tell what I have to do.it's my wish, you cant stop it.that's why I never allowed anyone from outside who wants help from the greatest witch. but you disobeyed me by bringing strangers"

"They are not strangers. they came this far to help this land.don't you see that?"

"I know what happens all around our land so I know she is that evil's daughter."Cameron showed her hands at me. I stood there still without objecting to her. how will I prove her Iam, not Eleanor's daughter?

"she is not, this is all a wrong interpretation.you really don't know anything about them and their sacrifices. I should have not trusted you."Katherine became so angry. seeing her like this the queen got angry.

"get them" she ordered to the guards.there's no difference in guards who always obeys their majesty. before we react, Katherine threw her hands towards the guards, a blue light escaped from her palm, froze all the guards near her.

"you got the courage to attack my soldiers." the queen stood up and raised her hands.it feels like we are in a tornado. the wind was soo fast we can't even take another step. I can't stand simply. I should do something or she won't be let us reach the greatest witch. I thrown my hands in the air, pushed hard taking each step carefully. fire started burning inside me. my hand's burning in the fire, I leased my power one last time with all the force I have and attacked the queen.

she took some steps backward, the wind slightly decreased but she managed to stand and looked at me.

"you are a monster.you are absolutely evil" she sounded terrific. I never know she can control the wind, air.

"you made me do like this.stop fighting with us.I do whatever to complete my mission"

"I get what I want no matter how much hard you try"

"let's see," I said with fierce eyes, burning hands.

everyone handled with the guards and Damon, Tyler went to search for selena.the queen is only interested in me. I really made her mad.she thrown her hands, a white light flashed in front of me. I dodged sidewards by the sudden moment." are you afraid". I didn't reply to her, I attacked her with fire.golden light and while light flashed all over the hall. I took each step backward. I can't manage both the attack and the wind. I went backward and backward until iam out of the castle. sudden help came from my dragon. It sprayed the fire as I let go of my power. I noticed iam on the edge of the cloud. three steps backward I will be dead. I can't look down. the height will surely make me fear. I stood up again as another light flashes on the clouds. Katherine came rushing outside in shook.

"stop it Cameron"Katherine shouted without respect. the queen doesn't care about it. I tried hard to take steps back.iam losing power. my eyes are nearly closed. then something flashed in my eyes. its a person with a sword behind the queen. her powers stopped I fall on my knees, looking up and found that's Damon.

"don't you dare try to do anything to her, you are surely dead," he said holding a sword little inches near her neck.the queen was stunned by the sudden movement by a mortal. I didn't even move an inch from the edge but watching him.

"what the hell are you thinking.you are not good anymore. she lived in a mortal world without knowing a damn thing about the magic. now avenging for her true parent's death and the fate for our people. she cant be equal to her"

the queen stared at her without a word.

"she is not the evil daughter. you want to know how's the daughter, sees her that girl is her daughter" she showed her hands at trina.trina's standing like a statue.

"you may think she is evil but doesn't care about her mother's fate but came with us.no daughter can be like that.she wanted to change her mother.she will do whatever for that"Katherine added, "even losing her".

"I really know nothing about this"

"you should know my majesty. Iam giving you a second chance to understand us, if only you can change"Katherine's voice decreased. she seems tired.damon took the sword away from the queen.

"Okay, come inside. I really believe you, whatever your mission for our land it will happen, in any way"

"anyway," I murmured.damon helped me stood up. Selena rushed into my hands. I hugged her and gone inside. I still don't trust her but Iam having no strength to resist.

when we all entered the halls, something came from above .within a bink of an eye, we are locked in a cell.

"what the hell are you doing Cameron"Katherine yelled.

"Iam your queen, remember that.i said in any way it will happen. i will bring light to our land.that's what you wanted right" she is speaking calmly.

"what..you are really selfish. you crossed my change and you are never gonna make it there. We will win"she shouted again.

'it won't happen dear. Iam upset by losing to a mortal. even though you tell the truth. I don't care, I should get it" she raised her hands in Katherine's direction and she screamed falling down.

"what are you doing to her" I yelled catching her.

"my job's done,iam sorry.see you later" she left.

"she took my memory. how I reached the witch and each and every obstacle I have met"some tears fell on the floor.

"we will find a way, Katherine.she's one of our problem we are facing"

"yes, we do" Ryder joined me to encourage her.

"Katherine, see my eyes" I lifted her face up and she saw the tears in her eyes.

"in a short time I helped me and you are helping me. It's more than a help, we care for each other.we all care for each other.from the tower, we reached here.like that we will surely find a way to get out of here." she stared right through my eyes and hugged me." I believe now" she whispered in my ears.

"if something happens, it's for good.we may not know now, but trust me it surely will help us"I let go of her and something crashed into the floor.I turned back to see that Regina's mirror.

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